Editorial: August 23, 1996
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Editorial: August 23, 1996

Big Changes Are Occuring

I'm going to be starting college (for the first time) on Monday, so I might not update quite so much. I have classes from Monday to Thursday. No class on Friday. Because of that, I will be updating this section every Friday. This section is here so I can tell you about future changes on this page and other Nintendo-related things. And because yo most likely don't know much about me, I'll occasionally tell you what I'm like. Down below are the items I would like to talk about today.

You may have noticed the two countdowns on the main page. Well, once I know the exact re-release date of the Virtual Boy, I will have a Virtual Boy Countdown. As you may or may not know, the re-release of the system was supposed to be on August the 26th (that's next Monday). But they changed it. Now the re-release date is set for October. You're probably wondering what type of games are coming out for this so-called failed system. Well, here's a list:

  • Dragon Hopper (Adventure)
  • Bound High (Action)
  • Zero Racers (Racing)
  • Virtual Fishing (Fishing)
  • Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Action)
  • Worms (Action-Puzzle)
There are six games all together. And there are more in development for next year (names are unknown). The first four on that list will probably make it out before Christmas. Anyone for a little fishing? :-)

At the end of every month there will be a special section called Month In Review. It will be found in the Special Section and will review the entire month according to three areas of the Special Section: Role Playing & Adventure Games section, Nintendo Systems & Accessories section, and New Game Companies section. Look for the first Month In Review section on August 31st (that's next Saturday).

I've just played Tetris Attack (Super NES) and it's great. I'll have a review on it as soon as possible.

I need more people to vote in the Top Games section. It's hard to go off only a few votes. So, if you could just e-mail me your votes. Remember: You don't have to vote for everything.

And speaking of people, there will be over 75 total people to this page. I get roughly two or three people a day on this page. Now I know what you're thinking. Two or three? Yeah, it's not much, but it's something. This page only started about a month ago and at that time I was hardly getting anyone. But now it's already over 70 and I feel pretty good about that. I will continue to update this page until I finish college (which will be in about two years).

That's it for this editorial. Be sure to come back next Friday to check out the next one. (The next one will be focused on one subject, not many subjects like this one.)

Send e-mail to kylenin@angelfire.com if you like.