Editorial: August 30, 1996
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Editorial: August 30, 1996

The Future of 8-Bit

I know what you're thinking: Future of 8-Bit? You're also going to tell me that 8-Bit games are long gone. Ah, but you're wrong. Nintendo's first 8-Bit game system was the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System). It lasted from 1985 to 1994. A long time, especially when it was 8-Bit. Nintendo's second 8-Bit system was Game Boy. Yes, it is 8-Bit. So, when I say "The Future of 8-Bit", I'm referring to Game Boy. The NES is already gone, but the Game Boy is still here.

Let me just clear up with you all of Nintendo's game systems before I tell you about Game Boy's future. As I've already said, the NES is 8-Bit and has lasted from 1985 to 1994. Game Boy is also 8-Bit and it has lasted from 1989 up until now (1996). The Super NES is 16-Bit and has lasted from 1991 up until now. Virtual Boy is 32-Bit and has lasted from last year (1995) to this year. The Nintendo 64 (N64 for short) is 64-Bit and has not come out yet here in North America. The N64 is, if you missed it, coming out Sunday, September 29th, 1996. That's a month away.

Okay, now to the matter at hand. One major item that will make Game Boy's future more promising will be the release of the new Game Boy Pocket. It comes out on September 3rd. That's only a few days away! The new Game Boy Pocket might not be as popular as the new Nintendo 64 coming out later in September, but I think it will be second to that. A few people might be a little unsure of what the Game Boy Pocket is. Well, here is a description (it is compared to the regular Game Boy):

Dimensions 6"H x 3.5"W x 1.25"D 4.5"H x 3"W x 1"D
Volume 26.25 cubic inches 13.5 cubic inches
Weight 10.6 oz. Approx. 4.5 oz.
Battery 4 AA 2 AAA
Outside Color Gray

(Not including Play It Loud Series)

Screen LCD (Off Greenish-Yellow) LCD (Black and White)
Price (Started off at about $100, in 1989.) $59.95

Was that good enough information? All together, the Game Boy Pocket is 30% smaller. Now the next thing I want to talk about is the upcoming games.

Game Boy games coming out in the future are listed below. (These do not include the re-released games. Those games are listed in the Nintendo News section.):

  • Donkey Kong Land 2: Diddy's Kong Quest (Action-Adventure)
  • FIFA Soccer '97 (Soccer)
  • Mole Mania (Action-Puzzle)
  • Tetris Attack (Puzzle)
  • Waterworld (Action)
I know what you're thinking. You're right, not many games. Even less than Virtual Boy. But then again, there might be more announced games soon.

That's it for this week. Check back next Friday to get info on this page and Nintendo stuff.

Send e-mail to kylenin@angelfire.com if you like.