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Last Updated:
May 1, 2013

Main Sections

Sci-Fi Section

Updated Jun 19, 2001

Sports Section

Updated Jun 19, 2001

RPG Section

Updated Jun 16, 2001

Cinema Section

Updated Jun 18, 2001

Shooters Section

Updated Jun 15, 2001

NCL Section

Updated Sept 6, 2001

NST Section

Updated Jul 2, 2001

Classic Arcade Section

Updated Jun 18, 2001

Puzzle Section

Updated Jun 18, 2001

Mario Section

Updated Jul 13, 2004

Best of 2001 -- Results

Updated Feb 9, 2002

Space World '99 Coverage

Updated Aug 23, 1999

Staff Section

Updated Jun 5, 2004

My Games

Updated May 1, 2013

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Special Section

Welcome to the Special Section. Here you will find a bunch of "genre" sections, special coverage of expos (like E3), and other stuff. Enjoy.

Section Highlights
July 13 -- Check out the Mario Section to see the newest information on upcoming and released Mario games.

More Mario on Gamecube: Mario Tennis and Paper Mario 2.

More games from Nintendo this year, like Wario Land 4 and Luigi's Mansion.

Sept 6 -- Check out the NCL Section to see the newest information on upcoming and released Nintendo-developed games.
July 2 -- Check out the NST Section to see the newest information on upcoming and released NST-developed games.

Bionic Commando and Ridge Racer 64 were just the beginning. Check out what NST has in store for you in the future.

Have any questions or comments? Send e-mail to me at

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