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The Indian Creek Valley Railroad

The Jackson County Times
Tuesday, May 13, 2003

Indian Creek Valley RR Improvements Planned

The owner and CEO of the Indian Creek Valley Railroad, Kevin Greene, announced today a multi-million dollar improvement plan for the railroad. The main goal of this plan is to get rid of the steep grade that is required to get the upper loop to pass over the top of the lower loop. "That grade has been a problem from the start," Greene told the Times during an interview today. "These improvements should greatly improve train flow on the ICVRR."

The plan calls for rerouting the 'upper loop' of the railroad. The grade will be taken out, and the new route will curve back to the west, and follow along the western edge of the railway's property. This will require a tunnel to be built under Indian creek. Indian creek itself will need to be raised in order for this to happen. The creek will then flow over the top of the tunnel. A waterfall will return the creek to its current bed. "I think the waterfall will be a spectacular addition," said Greene.

The now 'lower loop' will also need to be rerouted. It will cross over Turtle Lake on the same through-truss bridge that formally carried the upper loop over the lake. The bridge will probably need to be repositioned. The lower loop will then join back into the main line through the switch that used to bring the upper loop back.

The covered bridge will be moved as well. It will be used to cross Rocky Gorge instead of using the trestle bents. The lower legs of the trestles have deteriorated terribly in the few years they have been in place. Some of the better trestle pieces will be used in other places on the new 'upper loop', which will be now known as the 'outer loop'. Both bridges will be completely overhauled to get them back up to shape.

"I think these improvements are going to greatly improve the running of trains on the Indian Creek Valley," concluded Greene, "work has already started on them." We hope to be able to post photos of the construction here as they come available.

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