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The Indian Creek Valley Railroad
Photo Gallery #2

Here I have all of the track in place and running, next comes filling it in up to the track level.

I filled in up to about 4" below the track level with fill dirt. I fill in the rest, right up to the track, with peat moss. Here I have started at one end planting plants. I want to have mostly stuff that will come back up next year, but I have added some annuals for color. I will try to list the plants I've used later.

These next photos just show what I have accomplished in my planting so far. The plants will spread out and fill in the bare spots.

The stream and home-made filter seem to be working fine.

The landscaping really makes the on-board shots look real!

OK, I now have over half of the garden filled in, but not all planted. This shows the northwest corner.

And this is the northeast corner. Building the bridges, and the buildings, will take some time.

Well, this weekend (6/24/00) I finished filling in the garden with fill dirt & peat moss (on top), and pretty much finished with the plants. I left a bare spot for the town, and I still need to build and install the three bridges.

The next series of shots were taken on 6/25/00.

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