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Dr. Scott: From the day he was born
He was trouble
He was the thorn
In his mother's side.
She tried in vain...

Criminologist: ...but he never caused her nothing but shame.

Dr. Scott: He left home the day she died.

From the day she was gone,
All he wanted
was Rock-n-Roll porn
And a motorbike.
Shooting up junk...

Criminologist: He was a low down cheap little punk!

Dr. Scott: Taking everyone for a ride!

All: When Eddie said he didn't like his teddy

You knew he was a no good kid.
But when he threatened your life
With a switch blade knife

Frank: What a guy!

Janet Makes you cry.

Dr. Scott: Und I did.

Columbia: Everybody shoved him.

I very nearly loved him.
I said, "Hey, listen to me;
Stay sane inside insanity!"
But he locked the door and threw away the key.

Dr. Scott: But he must have been drawn

Into something.
Making him warn
Me in a note that reads...

All: What's it say? What's it say?

Eddie's Voice: I'm out of my hed.

O hurry, or I may be dead.
They musn't carry out their evil deed.

All: When Eddie said he didn't like his teddy

You knew he was a no good kid.
But when he threatened your life
With a switch blade knife

Frank: What a guy!

Janet Makes you cry.

Dr. Scott: Und I did.

All: When Eddie said he didn't like his teddy

You knew he was a no good kid.
But when he threatened your life
With a switch blade knife

Frank: What a guy!

All: Oh-oh-oh...

Janet Makes you cry.

All: Hey, hey, hey

Dr. Scott: Und I did.

All: Eddie....
