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<BGSOUND SRC="/in/mam4times/images/Amarthi.mid" AUTOSTART=true LOOP=infinite HIDDEN=true>

Original music composed by Tom Williams III,

Copyright © 1996-98 Dreamsharer Music, Ltd.
Used With Permission.

This one belongs to my site

Kim's Place Top Sites

This is the place to go for just about any kind a tube you're looking for. If it's not on this site? you're not gonna find it anywhere... Thanx Kandyz Tubes for having such a great site!!!

This site has some adorable tubes. Cindy does some NICE work.Here's her main page. You'll have to see it to appreciate her work;
cindys Main page

This website Has AWSOME tubes,clipart,you name it.Especially with valentines day and Mothersday.

Sam's Place has some really NICE angel tubes and really great fruit tubes. she does have more. So go check it out!

Kimmy's place has really NICE tubes and other helpful pages too.Found tubes here that I couldn't find elsewhere.Please visit.

If you like CUTZIE tubes, this is the place to go. Not many catagories here,but does have alot in the catagories she does have.

This site has 27 different catagories of tubes. she offers alot of other things also. Very nice website.

Java! java!This is the way to go.Alot of nice applets. I have a few on my pages.

What can I say about the website that alot of you don't already know. If you don't know, this is tubes!tubes! and more tubes. One of the largest websites that I have been to.Has most anything you want in tubes.

James!!! I lost you too!!!I guess I'll just have to ask Judy where you're at.

Thumper and Flowers have a great since of humor.This is really a neat website.They both have a great imagination too. alot of links for tubes and other helpful stuff. Ya have to go here..

Ok, now here are two of the most talented people I have ever known. Both have beautiful midi's for all of us to use.all ya have to do is ask. I have used dreamsharer's midi's now for along long time. He's a great guy.

Dreamsharer - Music For Your Dreams

The Midi File on this page was used with special permission of the artist.

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