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Biography of  Mano Negra

The origin of the group born in the half of the 80's decade, Manuel Chao (Manu chao) Born in Paris, France but he is spanish ascending (he's a son of a recognized spanish writer named Ramon Chao, who had been writed a lot of books and also participate straigh ahead in the important newspaper "Le Monde") and Santiago Cassariego who is Spanish Ascending too and also is Manu's cousin, together with other musicians create a group with the name "Le Hots Pants", it's important to mention that before that time, Manu was recognized as a very talent guy in the alternative scene of Paris, "Le Hots Pants was a group who was positioned as rockabilli group, they made very good critics specially because their alternative spirit, because some motives the group split and was then when Manu Chao, Santiago Cassariego and Antonio Chao (Also knows as Tonyo del Borneo, Manu Brother) decide to create a proyect, the objective was to express with music and lyrics all the multiculture influences that the band has in all their lives, the spanish influence cause the family heritage, the french influence cause the fact of living in France and the NorthAfrican influence cause the fact of the neighborhood lifestyle in France with all the inmigration of people of Argel, Senegal and morroco, is here when the Mano Negra Proyect begin to born.

The name of Mano Negra was taken of an anarchist organization of the low countries in europe but had the more popularity in Andalucia in Spain cause a lot of Terrorist Acts, the group had the beginin in the year of 1986, Manu and the rest of the band start to integrate other people in the Paris Metrozone, the majority of they was french man with African ascending.The first hit was "Mala Vida" an spanish made song that it was recorded with an alternative label, the song begin to hear loud in the french radio, and that made the group to sign a contract with an international label "virgin records", this decision made a lot of bad critics in the french alternative scene but the band made that cause the fact of their multilanguage alternative style(The band named the style as "Patchanka") they had more posibilities to have more sucess out of France, and to get out of the country the only choice was to sign with an important label, it's important to mention that they contract had more benefits to the group than the record label, because the principal rule was the total independency of the group.

cause the contract surge the first long play of the group named "Patchanka" recorded in 1988, the record have a lot of great songs like "Mala Vida" (With a great Flamenco sense), "Darling Darling", "Lonesom Bop", the cover song "Rock Island Line", and the animated "Indios de Barcelona", this album was accepted very well to the media but with the time discover that maybe cause the low experience they can't capture all their energy and put it in the LP.with this album they play in some european music festivals, and tour in countries like Spain, Germany,Netherlands, Austria and Denmark and also some southamerican countries like Peru and Ecuador (The "Guayaquil City" experience), in that time they was considered a multinational band, and was clasified as "Ethno Punks".

In 1989 Mano Negra Recorded the best album in their history as the Billboard and critics considerated (This information is not like my particular sense of view) the album called "Puta's Fever" (Hooker's Fever) this album have songs like "King Kong Five" (succesfull single), Pas assez de toi, Sidi H Bibi (Traditional arabian song), Rock n' roll Band, "Soledad" (lonelines) and "the rebell spell", this album can't be classified only with one style, cointain a big variety of rhytms, HipHop to Tex-Mex(hear Patchuko hop), Rock to a great Ska influence, with this album Mano Negra consolidated as the first alternative band in france, got the europeans alternative choice and made their first tours to USA and Mexico.

In the "Puta's Fever" and the next album period, Mano Negra made a compilated album of their first to albums, the named of the album was "Amerika Perdida"(Lost America), also the band try to enter the US and the UK market, that work was very difficult to the band, the principal obstacle was that they was an independent band without a manager, at one time Manu Chao said "In the US, they don't understand a band that works without a manager, for them is very difficult to understand that", for that an other causes like the "cultural border" Mano Negra never have a good consolidation in the Us Neither in UK, still all that obstacles Mano Negra made a lot of important things in the US, for example they tour in US with the singer "Iggy Pop", they participate in alternative festivals and realized full energy concerts in important formus in the US also they made sold-outs in London, like a curiosity one day the now important band "No Doubt" open a concert for them in the Roxy of Los Angeles.

Tired of the incomprehensive showbiz in the US, and inconform of living in a extreme Liberal culture, in 1991 Mano Negra made (maybe without purpouse) the last try to consolidate in the United States with their Album called "King of The Bongo", King of the bongo is a incomprehensive album to the critics, with roots away from the band comparing with their first works of the band, with a big sense of protest to the occidental culture, this album with a lot of english songs and a lot more heavier rythm very similar as the Northamerican rock.

I consider this as the most "Punk" album of Mano Negra, King of the bongo have very interesting songs like: "Bring the Fire" (is like a reggae-HipHop mix), King of the bongo (talks about that in some place a person can be ignorated an in other is odded), letter to the censors (a protest against the occidental culture censure), "it's my heart" (100% ska) and "welcome in occident".

The group made a tour and in two concerts in Kawasaki, Japan create a live compilated that is very important to hear this album to contemplate al the band potential, the album was called "Hell of Patchinko", in this album, Mano Negra Plays all their favorite songs and also plays covers song like "County Line" of the unforgettable Chuck Berry and "I Fought the Law" song that was played in past albums of "The Clash" and "Stray Cats".

The Mano Negra saw that original objective of the group was out of bounds and decide to return to their old customes, in 1992 they decide to take the idea of a french theater group, the idea was to travel in a ship around the atlantic ports of southamerica, making cultural festivals with theater and music, and finishin with a great carnaval in Rio de Janeiro, the idea was took in part and they decided to included the idea in their World Tour, the southamerican tour was called "Cargo Tour" in colaboration with the french Government, at the ends of 1993 the band take other proyect that consist in travell from the Colombia Coast "Santa Martha" to Bogota in rail, the proyect was made it, The Mano Negra with Ramon Chao (Manu's Father) and a french and southamerican group of colaborators (including Fidel Nadal of "Todos Tus Muertos"), the operation was made with a lot of problems, they have to negociate with locals guerrillas to continue the ride, they got conflicts in the group that made some members to leave the travel, still then the band produce a lot of their big energy in a lot of concerts made it train station around Colombia, in this experience the band succeded a lot of good things and bad things, the bad thing was tha some members split of the band cause some differences that exist in and the good ones is that Ramon Chao write a book that tell all the experiences of the trip, the book is called "Un Train de feu et de glace" (A train of Fire and ice), other good thing was that Fidel Nadal make a good relation with the band philosophy and support very well the next material of the band, and the best was that since here the band shoot the last album until now.

"Casa Babylon" is the title of the last album, recorded in 1994, the album have big latinamerican tendencies, the critics says that is the best elaborated record of the group, with the colaboration of Fidel Nadal in a big part of all the songs, the majority singed in spanish, songs like "Seņor Matanza" (Mr. Killer), "Santa Maradona" (In reference to the argentinan soccer player), "love and hate", "hamburger fields" and "la vida" (the life), the band reflex all the capacity to understand different types of music and cultures, this record was not selled in the US neither UK.

In the same year Mano Negra was in front of a frech proyect, it was called "la nuit du foot" this proyect it was like a festival that have the objective to make a good wave in France cause the soccer world cup that in that year was played in the US.

The group had concerts in southamerica and france with the members of the group "todos tus muertos", in the year 1995 Mano Negra decide to move to Spain, the group begin to live in Madrid, the group begins to had a lot of legal problems with the old members of the band, that's why Manu Chao conforms the group proyect called "Radio Bemba Sound System" the group was conformed with Mano Negra members added with spanish and italians musicians, the proyect estipulate to create a Radio program in Madrid, the proyect see the light a few times only, Mano Negra was disintegrated in the year 1995, the reasons?? well they are some rumors that says that the problem was that Manu Chao abuse inviting an excesive number of musicians to play with the group.

Ricardo Calderon