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Mano Negra Images

Torhout Festival (Belgium) (Thanx ISABELLE)

Manu on the road (Thanx ISABELLE)

The band in Colombia

Cargo 92

The group Live

Montpellier 91-05-10 (Thanx ISABELLE)

Montpellier 91-05-10(two) (Thanx ISABELLE)

Montpellier 91-05-10 (three) (Thanx ISABELLE)

Montpellier 91-05-10 (four) (Thanx ISABELLE)

L'INDIC Magazine

Manu Chao in action

Manu Live (Thanx ISABELLE)

Patchanka Era(Thanx ISABELLE)

Standing alive with the king kong five... (Thanx ISABELLE)

Tonyo's on the scene (Thanx ISABELLE)

A combative Band

Live at the fair of Nantes, France

Manu Chao in Brazil (Thanx ISABELLE)

Inrockuptibles Magazine(Thanx ISABELLE)

Ricardo Calderon

Carlos Dovarganes