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My Genealogy Project

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Hi! I see you have made it to my genealogy project page! Late December '99, I started to get interested in my family's ancestors, and where they came from. I didn't know much when I started, but I got some names from my grandparents, and other relatives, and I started my search. I found out there is no end to researching families; there is always a new name to look up! Most of my information I gather from websites online, and I have found some information to back it up at my library. I have included links to some of my favorite sites below. Note: Please understand that I by no means agree with all of the content on the websites. I simply use the information I have gathered from them.

The predominant surnames I am researching are as follows: Blackie (Scotland); Caddel (Scotland); Everhart (1755 in Germany); George (England); Lytle (1677 in Ireland); MacDonald (Scotland); Myrick (1862 in Ohio); and Owen (Wales). Those are the countries and the dates I can trace each respective surame back to. I haven't found much information about the Scottish names. If you could tell me anything about them (or about the other surnames), I would be grateful!! You may email me

Email: here!!!

Well, there is not much more to say, except on to the links!!!


CGW for Kids
A Really Neat Site!
You have to pay to get into most of the site, but there is a search engine.

Cyndi's List
Lists of genealogical links for all sorts of topics!

FamilySearch Internet Genealogy Services
The Mormon Database. Very helpful, but some names are misspelled.

Lytle/ Vigeland Genealogy
An extensive website that has a great amount of information pertaining to the Lytle surname.
An enormous site filled with information!
