My name is Cinder. I like running around
racing with my cousin, Fetch, who is also a
dog, and playing house with Honey. Mara is my
Mommy, and Danae is my Aunt. I think another
of my favorite things to play is when my
mommy and aunt Danae give Honey and I a
birthday party on our birthdays!!! Sometimes
we get "cakes", which are graham crackers
with frosting or strawberry jam on top!!!
Yummmmmm!!! My birthday is June 30th.
Well, that's all for now!
:‹) :‹)
Our big thankyou's to Mama, for giving Honey
and Cinder to
us!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you
Mamaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! :›) :›)
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Email: mommysgirls@hotmail.com