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Mara's Stories

Hi!!! Here are 2 stories that I wrote!!!! I will have some more stories here soon!!!

Once there was a little girl. She always wanted a horse.

One day, she asked her Mother, "How much would a horse be?"

Her Mother said, "Too much!!"

Soon the Girl's birthday came. She woke up very early that morning and found a tiny puppy. She was happy she had a pet, but sad it wasn't a horse. She stared at it, thinking of a name for it. But finally she picked it up, and just as she did that she said, "Cuddles! That's it!!!! Cuddles!"

The next day was Christmas Eve, so she got up very quickly, got dressed, and fed Cuddles, then went to help cook. When bedtime rolled around she went to bed, but found her room looking like a pigpen so she cleaned it up and then went to bed.

She woke up the next morning and went outside and she found A white horse!!!!!!!!

The End.

The Cat and The Collies
Once there were 3 collies, there names were: BLossom, Pancake, & Daffodil. They were very pretty, indeed, but I am afraid they were different. Because they loved every pet. But there was one very cute but mean cat. she hated them. She had a friend that was a rabbit and she didn't know that the rabbit was friends with the dogs! So the dogs knew everything about the cat! One day the dogs were eating breakfast and the cat came. They said "Do come and have breakfast", and the cat said "Ok". The dogs were very surprised and the cat and they were friends!

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