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What are you looking at? .....© 1997, Marty Fancher/KeyTrax Productions Inc.
This page is probably to cool for you, but i suppose you could probably see it if you really want to go blind...

This page is deticated to only cool stuff.And does not have useless crap on it. I just started this page and am in dire need of your cool stuff. e- mail it to me. Crap will not be put on the page. it is unacceptable.

For now, i have conjured up a whale of an idea. i want top ten lists on my page. you will send me the .....TOP TEN HOMLIEST PEOPLE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH.

You can send me pictures in .gif or .bmp format so that i can post them on my page. And again, usless crap will not be tolerated and immediately destroyed.

well, I guess you all want to see something cool on my cool site eh? Yes, thats what i thought. So here it is folks, the Top Ten Worst Things That Happen While You Are Asleep....

10.) You sleepwalk to the freezer where you take out an ice cream cone and fall asleep with it on your pillow.
9.) A large snapping turtle crawls into your mouth where it lays a numerous ammount of slimy eggs.
8.) someone superglues your underwear to your butt hairs.
7.) Your juke box goes awry and decides to fire your cd's at near light speeds into a brick wall in rapid succesion, completely obliterating your creedence collection.
6.) someone covers every inch of your body with ravaging leeches.
5.) You urinate.
4.) A fat man with an winabaego mistakes your mail slot for a dump station,
3.) Africanized honey bees make a home on your bedroom door knob and you have to use the bathroom desperately.
2.) Your toy soldiers come to life and wreak havoc on your brand new comforter & curtains.
1.) You defecate.

Also,on my cool site, you may stumble upon... The Coolest Links In The World!!!!The cool links

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