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Muncie, Indiana : My Home Town !

Muncie and Indiana links by Ervin Davis

WELCOME to Muncie : my Home Town !

Welcome, Willkommen , Välkommen , Vítejte, Benvingut , Isten hozott, Tervetuloa, Ongi etor , Bem-vindo, Welkom , Salutatio, Bienvenido, Bienvenu.

Click for Hometown  Muncie Forecast

Published : 3 July 1998
Up-Dated : 24 August 1999

by : Ervin Davis

Technical Assistants :

Kimberly Davis
Roy Davis

"GOD Bless America"

It is my hope that these pages serve as a threshold to bring enjoyment to those near, assistance to those visiting,
and comfort to those far away from our Dear Home Town of Muncie, Indiana.

Muncie and Indiana

If you are not from Muncie already then you may want to make Muncie your Home Town and Indiana your Home State too !
Muncie is located in the center of major markets, industry and resources.
Excellent access is available to the nation's major transportation arteries.
Only seven miles from I-69, Muncie is located on four highways, that intersect Muncie :

State Road 3

State Road 32

State Road 67

State Road 332

The City of Muncie and the State of Indiana are ideal places to build a home, raise a family or establish a business.
  • Cost of living is below the national average
  • Educational facilities that rival any in our nation
  • State Taxes per capita are below national averages
  • By 1998 State Taxes have not been raised in more than nine years
  • Some 2,000 miles of multilane highways
  • Seven Interstate highways with over 1,000 miles
  • Manufacturing is the state's largest industry sector
  • Over 60% of U.S. markets reachable in one day by truck
  • Indiana's workforce is 20% more efficient than the national average
  • Buisness incentives, such as tax abatement, Enterprise Zones and more.
  • Tax-exempt financing is possable for businesses through state and local economic development commissions.
  • State-funded Industrial Development Grant Fund provides assistance to local units of government for off-site infrastructure projects in support of new business development.
  • Warehoused goods in Foreign-trade zones pending shipment out of state, goods in transit, and tangible property in transit through a foreign-trade zone are usually exempt from property taxes.

Muncie has always been a progressive 'city on the move' with far sighted changes that have been much of the fabric that has woven our capabilities of futuristic projections to become realities instead of mere dreams.
No matter how you play it, Muncie is a check mate move over anywhere else !

"WELCOME HOME to Muncie !"


You are invited to sample the following links that are provided so you can begin your return trip to our Home Town.

Open 24 Hours

Welcome home

...... continued on next page ........

And now it's up to you !

"Today is the Good Old Days tomorrow, so create good memories"
by Ervin Davis

Home Town Guest Book

"Drop in again sometime."

Webmaster : Ervin Davis

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