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Nick Picture Page

Picture of Nickolas Carter. He's the greatest singer and cute too...weird...all in to top it all off, he's got a great personality (my main priority in guys...) Anyway, let the show begin...
Dreamy Nick

Oooh, I remember that night clearly. I watched the damn SNL at like 2 o'clock in the morning and I had to fight my eyelids!!! Agh! Sleep! LOL!

Playin' a little b-ball

Strawberries. I like strawberries too!

Deep thought...hmmm, wonder what he's thinking about??


TAKE IT OFF!!! J/K...hehe

Nick can drive!! Don't he look proud?!!

Wild and sexy! Black and white

Wow! he now has a circle thingy...well, circling him!

Wonder who he's looking at? Or what...hmmm


So innocent...

Back ta school...

Mr. Smooth

Chillin out at his pad

Are you talking to moi?

Can you feel it??

Don't you just love the color lime? Especially on Nick.

Show me some puppy love...Look at those eyes...all 6 of them...


Close up!

Nick being weird...really, really weird!!

Ha! Ha!

He's so silly!

Hella attitude

I'm so stupid I dont even know what kind of an outfit he's wearing. But remember, my excuse is, it's late!! Or early..hehe

Hey! He can do the SNL thing where ya smell your hands after rubbing them on your pits. LOL! I watch too much TV...hehe

Sexy smile...

Nick and candy?? Sweet deal!!

I think that's Brian cut off there...hmmm, i never did the picture. don't blame anybody...

I love green! And my fave color of green is lime!! I want those clothes!!

Nick looks good in Nike

All I have to say is...Oooh, la, la!

aaron pix
