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How-To Run The Program

Before You Begin:

Please read the prerequisite given below because if you wont you may be wasting your time......


Yes I Have All -But How To Run The Prog. ?:

        select the os you have
  1. After downloading the MailAgent1.1.jar file set the CLASSPATH

  2. enviroment variable like this......
    If you are a C shell user use
    setenv CLASSPATH  /installationdirectory/MailAgent1.1.jar

    If you are a k or b shell user
    export CLASSPATH=/installdirectory/MailAgent1.1.jar

  3. Now you have to run setup for that write at command prompt.

  4. java MailAgent -s
    now it will ask you your proxy server name or number and port enter it as
    you my proxy is and port is 8080
    also it will ask you the url of free e-mail where you have account
    enter it like this
    and finally your login name and password which you have at e-mail host..
  5. Now it's time to run the's Very Simple Just Write at command prompt      java MailAgent    and..... here it goes it will download all the

  6. mails at your place which you can read after some-time when you get time..
     go back

    I am developing this software further to create same user interface as your Free E-mail host provides wait for new version to arrive..till than use this.

    Revised: Jun 26th 1998
    Please send e-mail comments on this page to:

     Troubleshooting     Frequently-Asked Question's      My Home-Page


    1. After downloading the MailAgent1.1.jar file set the CLASSPATH

    2. enviroment variable in autoexec.bat file like this......
      set CLASSPATH  /installationdirectory/MailAgent1.1.jar
    3. Now you have to run setup for that write at command prompt.

    4. java MailAgent -s
      now it will ask you your proxy server name or number and port enter it as you my proxy is and port is 8080
      also it will ask you the url of free e-mail  hiost where you have account
      enter it like this
      and finally your login name and password which you have at e-mail host..
    5. Now it's time to run the's Very Simple Just Write at command prompt      java MailAgent    and..... here it goes it will download all the

    6. mails at your place which you can read after some-time when you get time..
       go back

      I am developing this software further to create same user interface as your Free E-mail host provides wait for new version to arrive..till than use this.

      Troubleshooting     Frequently-Asked Question's   My Home-Page
      Revised: Jun 26th 1998
      Please send e-mail comments on this page to: