We invite you to spend a few moments comparing the offers available. We are so confident about the high quality of our flowers that we have provided a link to each of the sites listed below. If you feel there is a better deal available, please click on the appropiate button to go directly to that site Thank you for your time |
One Dozen Roses | Price | Delivery Time |
Colours | Extra Charges |
Cities Delivered |
Sunday Delivery |
Quality Guarantee |
Bouquets for India |
What You Pay | Want to Buy ? |
FlowersFast.com | US $119.90 | 72 hours | n.a. | US$ 11.95 | n.a. | Not allowed | Yes | 5 | US$ 131.85 | |
Simon Says Roses | US $76.00 | 72 hours | n.a. | Nil | "Major cities" | Not allowed | No | 6 | US$ 76.00 | |
Aflowerweb | US $60.00 | 48 hours | Not guaranteed | US$ 19.99 | 82 cities | Yes | No | 20 | US$ 60.00 | |
1-800-Flowers | US $39.99 | 72 hours | n.a. | US$ 19.99 | n.a. | Not allowed | Yes | 6 | US$ 59.98 | |
Floral Alliance | US $34.95 | 2 business days | n.a. | US$ 19.95 | 10 cities | Yes | No | 6 | US$ 54.90 | |
Priyanka's | US $35.00 | 7 days | n.a. | Nil | 50 cities | n.a. | Yes | Multiple | US$ 35.00 | |
IndiaFlorist.com | US $32.50 | 36 hours | n.a. | Nil | n.a. | Yes | No | 15 | US$ 32.50 | |
US $15.00 | 24 hours | Orange, Red, Yellow, Pink | Nil | 120 cities | Yes | Yes | 42 | US$ 15.00 |
Disclaimer : Bloom India neither endorses nor offers any opinion, references or recomendations on the sites listed below.The list above is provided to allow visitors to compare service and product offers made by individual non-associated websites
All prices and other information obtained from the respective company's websites or from websites providing advertising, display or ordering for these companies. "n.a." means that information about the specific topic was not available
Interpretation of delivery and substitution policies is subjectively inferred from websites and may differ from actuals
Prices do not include applicable taxes or other fees
Prices and data are subject to change without notification or updates to this page.
Bloom India Flower Delivery
All contents (c) 2001-2003 Bloom Florists Pvt. Ltd.