Bloom India guarantees the quality of each flower bouquet ordered through any of its family of websites
Our quality policy is guided by these simple steps :
1. Deliver what is promised : All flowers bouquets will conform to the exact desiption that you read on the site. The only time we will be flexible on this is when quality of the flowers takes precedence. If we feel that on a particular day the flowers ordered by you are not up-to-the-mark, then we will substitute it with a similar arrangement. In such cases, the value of the arrangement sent will always be higher than or equal to the value of the original arrangement.
2. Deliver to the right place at the right time : In the last 3 years that we have been delivering flowers, we have consistently maintained a delivery success rate of 97%. This means that your bouquet will almost certainly get delivered on time. In the rare event that it does not,you are entitled to a
Our goal is to keep you coming back and we want to serve you better. So please spare a few minutes to fill up this simple Customer Feedback form. If we put your feedback to use, we will send a bouquet worth US$ 25.00 to anywhere in India absolutely FREE.
We are not a perfect service, but we want to become close to one. So please tell us the truth. We will greatly appreciate your suggestions and do our best to make this a better service .
You can also contact us directly on phone at +919810303105 (India) - lines open 24 hours
Or feel free to e-mail us at for any questions / comments or suggestions
This site is operated by Bloom Florist Pvt. Ltd. and all content is copyright (c) 2000 Bloom Florist