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Order with Confidence

Shopping at Bloom India is 100% safe

We know that many people have concerns about Internet shopping and we've worked hard to make Bloom India a safe and friendly place to buy from. We've been operating credit card transactions for over three years without a single occurence of fraud or misuse of shoppers' information.

Help us make your shooping experience more secure. Please take a minute to read the following consumer safety tips about online shopping.

1. Know your Merchant: It's a good practice to be familiar with the name or reputation of any company you're dealing with. You can often find helpful information about online companies from Internet news sources, directories, and rating services.

2. Protect your privacy: Know what information the merchant is collecting about you, how it will be used, and if they share it with or sell it to others. You can do this by checking the web site to make sure there is a privacy policy posted, and that you're comfortable with the way your personal information is treated under that policy. Be cautious if you're asked to supply personal information not needed to make a purchase, such as your personal bank account information.

3. Get the Details: Check for expected delivery dates, shipping and handling fees, warranties, return policies, and other important information. Look for an email address to write to (or a phone number to call) if you have a question, a problem, or if you need help.

4. Use a Credit Card and Safeguard Your Password: It's a good practice to pay with credit cards, because under credit card agreement your liability for an unauthorised charge is limited to US$50. (Please refer to the policies of your credit card provider regarding this clause) When using a credit card online, look for an unbroken key or padlock (a graphical icon usually located in the bottom corner of the web page), or for a policy that indicates use of strong security technology such as SSL. This indicates that your credit card data is transmitted securely. Keep your passwords safe, and don't share them with other people.

5. Keep Good Records: Make sure to print or save electronically any records related to your online transactions. This will help you keep track of shipping dates, shipping and handling fees, and other details of your transactions.

Bloom India is not a perfect service, but we are trying to become close to one. So please tell us the truth. We will greatly appreciate your suggestions and do our best to make this a better service .

For any credit card charge related queries, you can contact CCNow directly at or call them in the U.S. at 1-877-CCNOW-77

You can also contact Bloom India directly on the phone at +919820127300 (Mumbai,India) or at +919810303105 (New Delhi, India) - all lines open 24 hours

Or feel free to e-mail us at for any questions / comments or suggestions

Bloom India

This site is operated by Bloom Florists Pvt. Ltd. and all content is copyright (c) 2001-2003 Bloom Florist