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Party With Farty Tour 2000

It took me a while to come out of my drunken stupor, but here's what has been happening this year with Farty Carbunkle and their Fans

St Patty's Day Massacre and Maddam Carrol

The bar was hoppin
Dana,Margo,Deb,and Nicole
Don and Margo
Gary G
Jim and Christine
Jim and Ted at the Bungalow after the show
John and Michelle
Lisa the
Margo and Dana
Rick and Christine at the Bungalow after the show
Shelia and Tim
Steve,Liz,Don,and Toad
Uncle Bill
Madam Carrol Barkeeps
Becky and friends
What a floor Show!!
Ryan the Bassboy Wonder
Johnny Da Wick
More Cox
Joel and Buds
The Harem arrives
Make that RYAN's Harem arrives

ZORA's B-Day and the Roof Gardens

Happy B-Day ZORA...thanks for everything
Aubery...good to see you again....and Thanks for the Door Shaf!!
Brad Kelly...hey it only took 18 takes
We Love Ya Freddy
GaryG and Tami
jay and Brenda...Happy Anniversary
Jim and Tami
Bob and Mary and friends
Nelson and Deana
Rip van Rouser
Ryan's Flea imitation
Bassboy Stripping
Dave and Zig
Rockin the Roof
Vicki takes the dancefloor
Did i mention it was Hot!!!
Travis and Missy
Vicki and Christine
Christine, Jim and Margo
Cindy and Steve
Scott and Carol
Don and Joel
One time Band Camp...

More of the Beach and Momma Connie's

some Young Fans...we love ya
More Young Fans
This table looks like trouble
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
Johnny has the best seat in the House
Thanks Mitch.... hope to see ya again
Mindy...Go Pacers
This was the Best Table of Fans EVER!!!
My favorite Beertender at Momma Connie's
Jim and Mercedes
Christine ..
Soundman Johnny
Dave and Deb
Don and Ryan
Don and Gary...thanks for Roadhouse
Don'tcha just hate havin' a camera shoved in your face
Russ and Shaf
Laura and Friend
Jim and Vicki...Go Pacers
Dave and Christine
I swear I'll quit someday