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Random Riddler Insanity......Check to see if you made the list

Welcome to Farty's Photo Album......we have a lot of fun and we owe it all to you. Remember to watch for the Fartcam at local just might be posted below.

Pics from the Jaycee's Whistle Stop

A packed beertent......notice the offering to the beergod in the background
Soundcheck time
Rick, Ted, Randy, and Jane
Jim and Christine
Farty Partyers
Ravishing Rick Rouser....and Tom Morehead
More Crowd shots
32 kegs were consumed..give yourself a hand
One last pic before heading home
Dueling Maraccasists
Jim ....they call him Lightning Boy
Tommy Morehead.....notice the tape on the fingers
Randy...Mr. Pulse Music.....and a future customer
Ryan, Ted, and Moe
Vicki, Don, and Rick
Brad, Judy, and Laura

Pics from Indiana Beach Roof Gardens

Wow!!!!!....a packed Saturday night at the Roof Gardens
Breaktime at the beach
Jim and Steiny cut loose
Don and Vicki work their magic
The true heart of the Riddlers
Don and Ravishing Rick
Don't let this man fix your pizza....but he's a great guy..thanks Shorty
Wonderful Tonight always brings out the belly rubbers
Christine learns she just won the Indy 500 pool
Rick spins a tale.....Ricky you got some 'splaining to do!!!!
Ryan and Laura sing---where's the tape recorder when you need it
Johhny the Wick
Jim and Ryan.....also notice the nice retro 60's carpet
The last known pic of Soundman Steve with long hair
My how Squirt Carbunkle has grown

New Year's Eve 1999 & Various Farty Frolics

Jim and is Strat
The Steckels
The Riddlers Rock Out
Rick and Ted
Bassboy Wonder.......god i'm glad he's in the band
Steiny and Johhny on the spot
Jim, Ryan and Don
Rick and Jim discuss the facts of life
Dueling Steve's
Travis and Misty of our biggest fans.....if she's in the'll hear her
Ryan relives his Saturday Night Fever days
Steiny strikes a pose....VOGUE!!!
Our resident cigar buff...and soundman
What's this???? Line dancing at a Riddlers' Show......I THINK NOT!!!!
Ryan, Laura, and Michelle
Rick sails in from the volcano
J.P.J.------Just Plain Johhny
Early Bassboy
Early Ted and Margo
Margo and her friend Roxy
Ted relaxes at the lake after a Madam Carroll show
A pic from the lake later that evening