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Orleans Christian Church Prayer Concerns

Pray For America

Prayer Is Video

O.C.C. Prayer List
For The Week Of August 23, 2009

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."
-Romans 12:12

  • Jennifer Anderson, heart condition
  • Dave Cain, pneumonia & lung cancer
  • Jean Compton, BRMC
  • Helen Edwards
  • Rachel George
  • Dawn Gamberale, cancer, Calif
  • Jim Grubb, cancer
  • Mike Johnson, cancer treatments
  • Mindy Marburger, cancer (Lynn Terry’s niece)
  • Serenity Martin, born at 27 weeks, Kosair Children’s Hospital
  • Ron Neideffer, home
  • Gwen Sisco, home, knee surgery recovery
  • Lonnie Smith
  • Tanya Stromme (Bibi & Ed King’s niece)
  • Dennis “Bud” Talbert
  • Tim Walls, by-pass surgery
  • Unspoken & Email Prayer Requests

    Our Sincere Sympathy to the Family & Friends of:

    • Jack Hollis
    • Jack Zeeks

    Praying Servicemen

    Praying Soldier
    Click To See The Lizzie Palmer Video, Remember Me!

    Members and members families
    in Military Service for America!

    Jason Bendett, Shannon Bradford, Seth Carter.Keith Clipp, Nate Daniels, Alan Evans, L.C. Gentry, Ross Gilliatt, Kelly Hammond, Jon Harris, John Hopper, Shane Jones, Chris Lawyer, Chris Lowrance, Jeffrey Malaki, Jeremy Pemberton, Kyle Richardson, Greg Swayer, Ryan Swayer, Michael Thompson, Bobby Ward & Jason Willard.

    We need updates on military personnel ~ are they home yet?
    If not, do you have an address that we can send them a card or note of encouragement?
    Please let the church office know.

    When A Soldier Comes Home

    Pray for those with on-going needs!

    Paula Barker; Bill Blackwell (awaiting heart transplant); Joe Bradley; Ed Burger; Pat Burger (Rehab); Wanda Callahan (radiation); Steve Cook (cancer); John Emslie (cancer treatments); Mark Frentz; Kathy Jones (G. Sisco’s aunt); Hazel Johnson; Randy Johnson (liver cancer); Alice McHugh; Joe McHugh (cancer); Sherry Opson (Susan McCain’s friend, lung cancer); Herman Parsley; Evelyn Patton; Fern Patton (chemo); Kenneth Patton; Leon Sanders (failing health); Joe & Helen Stevens (G. Jenkins’ grandparents); Chancey Stewart; Edward Street; Lee Tackett (cancer treatments); Sally Tillett (cancer treatment); Don Troncin (cancer, M. Hammond’s brother); Eddie Uyesugi (cancer).

    Pray for our members in Nursing Homes!

    • Brian Basinger, rehab, Paoli Health & Living Community
    • Brian Basinger, rehab, Paoli Health & Living Community
    • John Bradley, The Waters of Salem, 200 Connie Ave., Salem, IN 47167
    • Gayle Burton, Paoli Health & Living Community, 559 W. Longest St., Paoli 47454
    • Edith Hypes, Paoli Health & Living Community
    • Aaron Sutherlin, Paoli Health & Living Community
    • Harley Sutherlin, Paoli Health & Living Community
    • Bethel Wesner, Paoli Health & Living Community
    • Barbara Dillard, Mason Health Care Ctr., 900 Provident Dr., Warsaw, IN 46581

    If any of the above need to be updated or removed from our prayer list, please contact the church office at 865-2077. Thank you.

    If You Have Prayer Request

    Email us at:

    O.C.C. Privacy Policy

    Pray for those in the Mission Field!

    Warning, when writing to missionarys outside of the United States of America, remember they don't have the same freedom of speach and freedom of religion as we do here!  PLEASE  be careful what you write as the emails and snail mail may be checked by government or religious agents before being sent on to their destination.

    Missions Supported By O.C.C. Mission Gifts

    • Wonder Valley Camp Summer youth camp in Salem, IN
      • (Send E-mail To )
    • Leon D'orleans with Haiti Outreach Ministries (HOM)
    • Judy Fish, Medical Missionary to Ethiopia, Africa with Christian Missionary Fellowship
    • International Disaster Emergency Service (I.D.E.S.)
      • (Send E-Mail to ))
    • Casas por Cristo (Houses because of Christ)
      • (Send E-Mail to )
    • The Orleans Area Food Pantry
    • Eddie Bazin, Missionary to Haiti
      • (e-mail the Joplin office at )
    • Mike Ward, Missionary to Thailand
    • Ben and Karen Pennington, Missionaries to Zimbabwe, Africa
      • (Send E-Mail to )

      Missions supported by our Sunday School classes or individuals

    • Wonder Valley Food Pantry
    • Brion and Joyce Morris
    • Tom and Debbie Morse
      • (Send E-Mail to )
    • L.I.F.E. - the Lawrence County Food Pantry
    • Christell
    • Christian TV Mission
    • Haiti Student Support

      Missions That We Pray For

    • Steve and Jennifer Icenogle
      • (Send E-Mail to )
    • Mark & Helen Begarly
      • (Send E-Mail to )
    • Johnson Bible College
      • (Send E-Mail to )
    • Jim Bowyer with World Mission Builders
      • (Send E-Mail to )

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