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The Devil's Nightmare

Do devils actually have nightmare?

This movie is from Italy, I believe. It's a horror flick, in case you couldn't tell. It starts off with a Nazi officer waiting as his wife gives birth (and dies in the process) to the realest baby you'll ever see in a movie. Once he finds out the the child is a girl, he stabs her. But he does it gently.

Cut to present day (ca. 1971).

There's a group of tourists riding around in a bus, and the road to their destination is closed. Lucky for them a creepy guy resembling Death from The Seventh Seal tells them of a cursed mansion that sometimes rents out rooms. Actually, the owner of the mansion (the Nazi from the beginning) rents out the rooms, but you get the idea. They get there, and it's all very quaint and mansiony. Everyone is shown to their rooms. Each character is an archetype. You have the priest, the atheist, the glutton, the greedy wife, the adultrous husband, the horny bisexual single brunette, and the horny bisexual blonde. Everyone is shown to a room. The married couple shares a room, as do the single girls so they can have a gratuitous love scene.

Now, you'd think that since the two young ladies have to share a room, they'd be out of rooms, right? Well, no. Another person shows up. She gets the last room. They all meet for dinner in the dining room, and we get to hear about the curse. Evidently, many many moons ago, someone cursed the mansion owner's family so that every year, on the same date, a succubus would show up, and the succubus would manifest itself in the eldest daughter. That's why the guy killed the baby in the beginning. There's plenty of discussion, and people eventually go off and do their own things. That's when the succubus manifests itse;f into the last guest and starts killing people.

The killings were all very formulaic, and at the end, only the priests survives, because he's a man of God. He makes a deal with Satan to sacrifice his immortal soul for those of all the dead people (since they each died in sin). Then he wakes up, and it was all a dream... or was it?

(Hint: It wasnt.)

After reading this review, you might conclude that this was an all right movie, and you would be right, were it not for the fact that it wasn't. It wasn't good at all. The premise had promise, but it completely failed to deliver.