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The Firing Line

This movie was like the Missing in Action Movies, only bad.

It starts out with a bunch of army guys fighting a bunch of OMG terrists. It looked like it was filmed in the wooded area in someone's backyard. The shootouts followed a "tag" formula. Person B shoots Person A. Person C shoots Person B. Person D shoots Person C. And so on. The army guys kill about 36 terrists and capture 2. Keep that in mind, because it's on the quiz. Yes, the DVD has a quiz. One of the captives is a guy named Rodriguez. (This all happens in an unspecified South American country.) Rodriguez is the leader of the group and looks more like an O'Malley than a Rodriguez. Anyway, our hero, Hardin, captures him, takes him back to base, and refuses to kill him because he has a right to a fair trial. His superiors disagree and kill Rodriguez, but Hardin doesn't find out until later because he's too busy trying to get Shannon Tweed.

So, he asks her on a date and goes to pick her up the next day (after finding out about Rodriguez). Unfortunately, Hardin's superiors get to Shannon Tweed first and ask where he is. She doesn't know, so they decide to kill her. Yes. American soldiers are somewhere in South America trying to subdue rebel forces, and they decide to kill a civilian who's just trying to get laid by a buff guy named Hardin. So, they're about to kill her, and Hardin shows up and kills them instead. They run for it and they finally get caught in the backyard wooded area, where they are once again about to die. Then the terrists show up and kill the army guys, but not Hardin and Shannon Tweed. They join forces and Harding gets to be the new leader because he's "an elite", and he can lead them to victory.

Hell of a first date, eh?

Hardin trains the rebels, there's more tag fighting, and they rescue an imprisoned rebel who is obviously a traitor, since whoever made the movie did everything he possibly could to hint at it, short of having flashing text on the screen saying TRAITOR! TRAITOR! There's more fighting. Hardin teaches Shannon Tweed how to wield a gun. They have sex while on guard duty. There's more training and fighting, and they eventually get back to find their camp destroyed and everyone dead. They set out to strike back, but they have the traitor stay behind to start rebilding. Alone. By himself. Somehow, he gets to the army guys before the rebels strike, and he warns them. There's even more tag fighting. They get to the radio station where they make their daring escape.

I didn't get this part. They decide to strike back at the radio station because it's one of two places where there's a lot of people. They make their way in and, once inside, try to to escape. Hardin stays behind as a diversion, and he eventually leaves too.

Meanwhile, the rebels are making their way back, and they had some bombs placed on a bridge so they could blow it up once across. Once they cross, they decide to wait for Hardin, as one would expect. In the meantime, one of the rebels starts to hook up the explosives to the detonator. You'd think they'd have done this earlier when, you know, they weren't so rushed. Once it's hooked up, the traitor shows up and points a gun at the guy with the detonator remote. Here's a diagram of the situation:

So, we have a handful of trained rebels, a crouching comrade, and a standing bad guy. Naturally, one would assume they would shoot the guy, right?

Well, no. They gape in astonishment, watch as the bomb guy and the traitor have a scuffle, watch the traitor shoot and kill the bomb guy, and wait until the traitor is about to blow up the bridge. Who shoots him? Shannon Tweed of course. She's the least trained of the bunch.

So, Hardin comes along. The bridge blows up. Everybody happy.

First, I have to wonder what they actually accomplished in this movie. They didn't actually beat the bad guys. They visited them and left. Second, the production value of the film was jaw-dropping. The acting was forced. The directing was nonexistent. They film editing was horrible. I got the impression that the score was added before the sditing process. There's one scene where the background music abruptly halts once the shot ends.

In other words, you need to see this movie.