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A Brief History of America at War

On July 4th, Congress ratified the Declaration of Independence, which said that all men are created equal. England's tyrannical dictator king didn't like that, so they invaded the United States and started the Revolutionary War. Using old battle tactics of stupidly marching in groups, the English army was destroyed, making way for the United States to be the first and only free country in the world.

After the war, the Constitution was written. The Constitution is a sacred American document which guarantees all Americans the right to live safely and freely in a good Christian nation. The Constitution was written by upstanding Christian men and ratified by the Continental Congress. It is the backbone of our government and outlines the basic tenets that we live by. Most importantly, the Constitution was the basis for an entirely new form of government, called democracy.

Democracy means that the leaders of the country are chosen by the citizens of the country. This kind of government was unheard of at the time, but after a few years, people got used to it, and the world started copying America's invention.

The first president the people chose was George Washington. He was a noble, honest, upstanding, Christian war hero whose motto, "I cannot tell a lie" was proclaimed around the world. Washington led the country in its growth and prosperity.

By the early 1800s, slavery was running rampant. Despite the protests of President Zachary Taylor and Congress, the South insisted on using African Americans as servents. By the time Abraham Lincoln was voted into office, slavery had made its way to California. Lincoln decided to put his foot down. He released the Emancipation Proclamation and freed all the slaves, who then turned on their former owners and helped win the war. After the war, President Lincoln was at a play, where he was shot in the head by John Wilkes Booth.

After the Civil War, there was a time of reconstruction and peace. America grew more powerful. By the time the first World War broke out, the United States had built up a pretty strong army, and they were the first to jump in and help their allies across the ocean. After a couple years, the US soldiers came back as war heroes.

After America won the war, there was a time of growth and prosperity. It didn't last long, though, because Herbert Hoover, who was president at the time, made some bad decisions which caused the stock market to crash. Hoover was unable to fix the damage, so Franklin Roosevelt swooped in and took over. Roosevelt took several initiatives, and, after hours and hours alone in thought and prayer, he was finally able to get the economy going again.

Just when everything was starting to look normal again, a German named Adolf Hitler invaded Poland and started killing Jews. Again, America was the first to fight back. Armed with superior military skills and the power of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the United States was able to fend off Hitler's forces. Unfortunately, in 1939, Japan also joined the war by bombing Pearl Harbor. This was a terrible massacre that not only killed hundreds of innocent God-fearing men, women, and children, but it also meant the the US had to send some of its most valuable troops to fight the Japanese as well as the Germans. The war was slow-going, but in 1945, America was finally able to singlehandedly defeat Hitler. When Japan refused to surrender, the United States unveiled its secret weapon. Armed with the atomic bomb and God's blessing, the United States destroyed two Japanese cities, causing them to see the truth and justice of the American way.

In the 1960s, two major things happened. The blacks started getting uppity, and the Vietnam War started. The Civil rights movement was started by Martin Luther King, when he had a dream that one day blacks and whites would live as equals. After some serious investigation, it turned out that blacks in America were being treated poorly. A few laws were passed that fixed that problem.

The Vietnam war was not a popular war. A lot of people disagreed with it. They felt that the United States had no business there. Even the people we were helping didn't appreciate the US's occupation, but they stayed there until they finally won the war and eradicated communism from Vietnam and itroduced its people to God and democracy.

The 1980s saw a great period of economic prosperity because of Reaganomics. President Reagan put together a strong economic structure that worked without fail. There was also the Cold War going on, in which Russia kept threatening to attack the US, and the US kept saying they'd defend themselves against the godless heathens. The Cold War ended in the late 1980s without a single shot fired.

The early 1990s saw the invasion of Iraq, to defend Kuwait from Islamic dictator Saddam Hussein. The US fought and won, but they never got rid of Hussein. It wasn't until about 10 years later that they took care of that problem. In 2001, Saddam Hussein, with some help of Islamic extremists, had his people frly airplanes into the World Trade Center, killing thousands in the terrorist attack. The valient president declared war on terrorism and took Hussein out of power, bringing democracy to the Iraqi people.

As time goes on, America will defeat the terrorists through Christ and democracy.