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Old School

This movie was bad. Bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad. It starts with Owen Wilson walking in on his girlfriend right before the orgy he didn't know she would be having (and had been having pretty much weekly), so they break up. Will Ferrell is the newlywed, and Vince Vaughn has been married for a while and has a couple kids, I guess. Anyway, Owen Wilson (or is it Luke?) moves into a house that's just on the campus of a major university. The dean (played by the slacker from PCU) says he has to move out so students can have it for a fraternity or something. Anyway, they start a fraternity, and it becomes a really crappy Animal House ripoff. Will Ferrell gets drunk, naked, and divorced, and Luke Wilson gets the girl. The end.

This movie was painful to watch. It had two funny moments that I can remember. The first was the band playing Total Eclipse of the Heart at the wedding, and the second was when Will Ferrell sang Dust in the Wind at the funeral.

This movie was horrible.