Welcome to the Indianapolis Feis! If you are new to ‘feising’, this information might make your day run a little smoother.
Upon paying admission to the feis, you received a program book. This book has valuable information such as the order of competitions on each stage. It also has a map of the Convention Center.
After paying admission, you should go to the Registration Table. There you will receive your dancer’s "Competitor Card". On the back of the Competitor Card is a list of all the competitions he/she has entered and the location of those competitions. The card needs to be worn at the dancer’s waist and can be pinned on or tied on. Ribbons and pins will be available at the Registration Table.
Now you might want to find a spot to camp out for the day. (Remember that the Convention Center does not allow coolers to be brought into the facility.) While you are waiting, note which stages your dancer will be competing on. In the program book, there is a list of competitions for each stage. You can find your competitions and mark them in your book so you have an idea of how long it will be until your competition begins. (Please note that if there are only a small number of competitors, as in most boy’s competitions, they will be finished more quickly. Those competitions will be marked with an asterisk in the program.) You will want to keep checking at the stage to see which competition is being danced. On the door to each stage and on an easel next to each stage will be a list of competitions to be held there. At the top of the easel will be a sign that says "Next" and "Now". When your competition is listed as "Next", it is time to check in with the stage monitor.
Before you do that, though, make sure your child is ready to dance. Check that shoes are tied, hair nets are off, and any last minute bathroom and water breaks are taken. Now you can turn your child over to the stage monitor and you get to sit down and watch the competition.
IMPORTANT: The competition will not wait for stragglers, so it is vital for parents and dancers to keep checking the stages. If your dancer is competing on different stages at approximately the same time and you think s/he might have a problem getting to the competition before it starts, be sure to tell the stage monitors. If that happens, chances are there are other dancers in the same situation and the stage monitor will hold the competition or shift the order so everyone has a chance to show up.
The stage monitor has a list of who is competing in each competition. When it is time to check in, have the dancer give the stage monitor his/her name and competitor number. The stage monitor will line the dancers up to go on stage, then the entire group will go out on stage together. The dancers will compete two at a time, then return to their place in line until the entire group is finished. Don’t be surprised if your dancer is not doing the same steps as the person dancing with him/her. Dancers from different schools learn different steps, and in fact it is better if your dancer is not dancing next to someone from the same school. That way if they are slightly off in their movements, it is not as noticeable! When the entire group is finished dancing, they will leave the stage and return to their parents.
If there should be a problem at the stage and you think you should talk to the musician or the judge, please do not do so. Talk to the stage monitor instead. Only the stage monitor can approach the judge or musician during the competition.
Results of the competition will be posted as soon as possible in the Results Room. If your dancer earned a ribbon or a medal, s/he can get it in the same room by showing his/her competitor number at the appropriate table. If you wish, the medals can be engraved with the competitor’s name and the competition for a small fee.
Most feisanna have a place to sign up to have your dancer’s Results mailed to you for an additional charge. The Indianapolis Feis includes this service as part of your registration fee. There is no need to sign up for results. The results from each competition will automatically be mailed to all competitors after the feis. You can compare your dancer’s actual score to the scores of the top dancers in that competition.
If you have any other questions, you can get them answered at the Information Table. We welcome any comments or suggestions you may have on how we can improve our feis. There are comment sheets located at the Information Table and at the Registration Table.
We hope you enjoy your day at the Indianapolis Feis!