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April Rollins

Taken 8.21.1999 with digital camera. Cool effects...huh?

Here is a profile with random interveiw questions: (last update- 8.21.1999)

What is your full name? April Dine Rollins
What is your birthdate? December 5, 1983
Where do you live? Indiana
What should people know about you? I like to go to raves and watch cartoons with my friends all-night! I manage Boys Varsity Swimming and the Girls Soccer Team at my high school.
What's your favorite song right now? "Steal My Sunshine" by LIT It cracks my up to see the pregnant girl with a tattooed stomach.
Who's your favorite band or musician ever and why? Tori Amos because she is such a crazy, strong woman that I can identify with.
What's your favorite book ever and why? Th Perks of Being a Wallflower and The Catcher in the Rye because they are just really good books.
What college do you go to--or wanna go to? I want to get in to Ball State Academy for my junior/ senior years of high school to get an early start on college. I then want to get into Havard's School of Psychology.
What's the one thing you believe in most strongly? Listening to yourself.
Describe an experience you'll never forget. Running through the fountain at the Seattle Center with all my clothes on, holding the guy I love the most...Michael Sean Jennings.
What's the easiest way to get on your nerves? Talking too much.
What's your pets' names? Kitty (cat), Cloudy (cat), Stubby (dog), Maggie (dog)
Who do you think is the sexiest person alive and why? boyfriend wouldn't be pleased...but his name is Lincoln Merchant
What's your favorite quote? "The optimist sees the doughnut, the pessimist sees the hole." Anonymous

