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Apostolate of Prayer - My Background

Here is some background information about myself. As well as a short life history.

My name is Rick. I am married and have four beautiful children. Prior to my marriage I spent several years in the Catholic Seminary. I was studying for Fr. Luke Zimmer, who was establishing an Order called the Scared Hearts of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. I was fortunate to travel to many of the Marian Shrines in Europe, Fatima being my favorite. I've attended many parish renewals and healing services. I have used the Relic of the True Cross to pray over people in the past for healings for one thing or another. Some individuals noted that they received a healing from this blessing. Of coarse, God did any of the healing that may have occurred.

I studied at the Josephinum Pontifical College and worked on my studies of Theology, Philosophy, and Psychology. After leaving the Seminary I earned a degree in Psychology and minored in theology/philosophy at my local state college.

Presently I am on a Medical leave of absence from my Employer. I have not been able to work for the past approx. one year. I contracted Lyme disease approximately 3 yrs. ago, due to my illness I am unable to perform my occupational duties. Since I have been ill, I have had a lot of time to think and pray. I thought that I would put my time to good use and start this Prayer Apostolate.