Who Is the Rev Beth W. Johnston?!!!!

Who is the Rev Beth W. Johnston?!!!!!!



Here I am!

TIP OF THE DAY: If you are just looking for sermon material go to Sermon Pageand then return when you have MORE time. OK!

My other pages

  • Bridging Waters Community of Faith
  • Sermon Page
  • My Index Page
  • Sermon on Teenage Suicide
  • Various Links to Other Pages I Like
  • A Teaching Communion Service

    Hi! Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ!

    Early Life

    I am a native of (Canada)

    Since 1997 the Island has been connected to the rest of Canada by The Confederation Bridge which, at 12.9 km is the "longest multi-span bridge over ice covered waters" in the world. In 1997 I walked from one end to the other. It's hard to believe but this year is it's 27 years since it opened!

    If you look at the background to this page you will see what people used to do in the winter to travel back and forth between PEI and New Brunswick. These 'ice boats' were eventually replaced with ice breakers. The first one was called 'The Northern Light' and it was WOODEN. The boats were often tied up in windy weather. The bridge is often closed to tractor trailers and other 'high sided' vehicles but has been totally closed only once or twice due to weather, as far as I know! Some days that is IS open you wouldn't want to be driving on the roads! It DOES get pretty windy out there in winter!!!! There is still a summer ferry that runs from PEI to Nova Scotia. https://therural.edu.pe.ca/


    I am a graduate of Charlottetown Rural High School in Charlottetown PEI and (Class of '84), in Sackville N.B. The Alma Mater of many many Rhodes Scholars and winner many times over of the Maclean's Poll on universities. It's small and it's a great place to study. I have also graduated from in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, and its even smaller than Mount Allison.

    May the class of '87 live forever!!!!!

    Here we are! Class

    Location and Churches

    In May of 2019 I began ministry at the Bridging Waters Community of Faith where I serve Codette United Church and Nipawin United Church. It is a Community of Faith (formerly a "Pastoral Charge") in The United Church of Canada. of the the Living Skies Regional Council .

    We worship at 9:30 in Codette and 11:15 in Nipawin. Come join us!

    Because of production deadlines my sermon is ready by 9:00 am CST on Fridays!

    My hobbies are cross stitch, photography, reading, scrap-booking, surfing (the internet) and well, ministers don't get much time for hobbies.

    Oh!, this is a picture of the very fine cat who used to live with me and let me look after her! Kitty

    Her name was Sarabi. She was a fine kitty. Its true that kitties leave paw prints on your heart!

    Puddy, who has lived with me for about 17 years, came to me as a curious overgrown kitten who used to love knocking things off of shelves and tables, especially full bottles of dietCoke and apples. She would flush the toilet to get fresh water! Now she has me trained to change the water in the bathroom sink for her to drink.

    Here she is.


    Brief Resume

  • Honours Certificate -Charlottetown Rural High School
  • BA -Tripartite concentration in Religious Studies, History and English, Mount Allison University
  • M.Div. Atlantic School of Theology
  • I UNIT CPE Institute of Pastoral Training
  • 1987-1991 Minister --- Alma Albert Pastoral Charge (New Brunswick)
  • 1991-1998 Minister --- Malagash Wallace Pastoral Charge (Nova Scotia)
  • 1998-2007 Minister --- Rexton Pastoral Charge (New Brunswick)
  • 2007 - 2014 --- Kings United Pastoral Charge (Prince Edward Island)
  • 2014- April 2019 --- Hantsport Pastoral Charge (Nova Scotia)
  • 2019 (May) - -------- Bridging Waters Pastoral Charge (Saskatchewan)


    kidsThis is a really nice picture of my nephews and niece. The two older ones live live on PEI. The youngest is with the Anaheim Mighty Ducks and has a summer home in PEI. This picture was taken at their cousin's wedding a few years ago.

    Email: Beth W. Johnston