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The Quest For The DreamCast

Last time, our fearless adventurers had met after surviving the plague of retardation. They set out to travel to Japan to find the elusive.....DREAMCAST!

MADGRAD: Okay, now lets see. The easiest way to get to japan is probably by luxury jet.

BMS: How do you figure that?

MADGRAD: Well, its big and comy and practically flies itself.

Mark: What about landings?

MADGRAD: Well thats what grass is for, duh!

>::And so the three heroes went to LA international airport, and stole the first jumbo jet they got into. Strangely enough, even though there was not a single other soul in the airport, they had a two hour wait to get there luggage onboard.:: BMS: Alright, I'm the boss so I got dibs on flying this bad boy.

Mark: Can I have my bag of peanuts now?

MADGRAD: Here you go! Tonite's dinner is either steak or chicken. Would you like a pillow?

Mark: Uh, Madgrad, please take off that stewardess uniform, you are really freakin me out.

::And so hours passed. BMS flew the plane. Mark tied up the one toilet after eating the E. coli infected airline food. And Madgrad tried to get Basic Instinct to play on the big screen in first class. Instead he got Barney's Greatest Hits, so he cried. But after twenty hours of flight, BMS saw land!:: BMS: Ahoy! Land ho! MADGRAD: Cool! But ...hey...somethings funny....Japan isn't that big...BMS you dumb %(#^%^$*(#^@! You pointed us in the wrong direction! We're now in Europe instead of Japan!

Mark: Great! I always wanted to see France.

MADGRAD: Well we have dealt with small, loud, ugly, smelly, feces flinging creatures in the past, so the French should present no problem.

BMS: Holy frijoles! Maybe there are some women left. We are in France after all.


Mark: Yay!!! women!!!

BMS: Wait guys, all of the French women sound great, but what about Dreamcast? This would be a great side trip, but we need extensive training on a girlfriend simulator first.

Mark: Good point.

MADGRAD: Well, on to Japan then.

Mark: I'm driving this time.

BMS: That sounds like a good idea. Hey, lets find a plane that has some better entertainment.

::On the way to the new plane an army of dirty French stereotypes attacked our heroes...

Evil French Man: Zeut Alores! Awhahahawah! We are ze evil french army! We hate you stupid americans! You and your football, and fast cars. Football is soccer in the rest of the world dammit! ADMIT IT! We will destroy you and your pathetic instant gratification culture!

MADGRAD: Um, BMS, you got any ideas here?

BMS: How the hell should I know?


BMS: Hm, Mark, you got anything?

Mark: YES! YES I DO! The french don't watch professional wrestling! IT IS THEIR DOWNFALL!

:: Mark rips off his shirt revealing a black leotard with various logos on it::

MADGRAD: Um, long have you been wearing that?

Mark: Ever since I took off the pink one.

BMS: Oh dear god!

:: And with that, Mark used his knowledge of american wrestling and unleashed the AYA CUTTER!::

Mark: Yay yay yay, its Aya day!

::But, the french have the ability to bread like smelly hairy rabbits, so the army began to grow again::

Madgrad: Well, looks like I have to solve this one too. The french suck as an army, as shown by multiple world wars, and the Vichy era. Ahem... Its time to kick ass and chew bubblegum.

::Madgrad pulls out his custom made automatic shotgun. Good old american firepower...mmm....violence... In the ensuing horror, all of the smelly french men were destroyed.::

Madgrad: Who's your daddy? Hmmm, while we are at it, should we swing back around to Canada and kick their asses too?

Mark: Nah, lets see if we can go find some french chicks!

BMS: Why am I suddenly very afraid?

::Tune in next time when our intrepid heroes dare to go to REAL LIVE WOMEN! AAAAAHHHHHH!::

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