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As of the last installment, Gazuga had gone off to battle the evil antle God, after being pimp slapped by the generic elfin girl...errrr...I mean Zelda.

Zelda: So ragamuffin, how will we know where Gazuga went?

RtR: Stop calling me that you anorexic litle bitch! We just follow the huge piles of ape sh@t to find him.

::Hours later, they arrive at the site of a huge battle. Gazuga and the EAG are no where to be found, but, a lone figure emerges from the smoke...its...EVIL-MADGRAD!!!::

RtR: Why have you turned evil? You used to be an Upholder of The Law?WHY!?!

EVIL-MADGRAD: Simple really. I'm not the real Madgrad.


EVIL-MADGRAD: I am the original Madgrad. The Madgrad that you know was cloned from me. He is...a puppet!

RtR: You mean you killed your own clone?

EM: Of course not! I keep him locked in the dungeon of delight, for...entertainment. Care to join him?

::With that, a portal opened in the earth, and EM teleports out.::

Zelda: Quickly, we must find the real Madgrad!

::And so Zelda and ragamuffin [SLAP] I mean RTR descended deep into the 77 level dungeon::

RtR: Okay, if the slime changes color one more time, I'm gonna hurl!

Zelda: Look, there is a figure chained to the wall!

RtR: Its the real Madgrad! But, is he alive?

Madgrad: Mumble, mumble...grrr....

Zelda: Let me revive him with a healing spell...

Madgrad: Whuzit? What the hell time is it? bacon..

RtR: But how do we know that its the real Madgrad?

Zelda: Yes, Madgrad, give us a sign that it's the real you.

MAdgrad: You know, I never noticed before, but Zelda has a great body for an elf.

RtR: Yep, its the real Madgrad, as perverted as ever too.

Madgrad: Oh lick me! So what the hell has happened while I've been in here?

RtR: Well, to start, your not real, you are just a clone.

Madgrad:Oh, okay. Thats not too bad.

RtR: And your original has gone insane, and has tried to take over the world. He has claimed the soul of BMS, and is torturing Mark with EVil Naked Leah Clones.

Madgrad:Uh, can I get in on that? Oh never mind, I'll deal with all of that. After I Zelda.

::Suddenly, Link busts in!::

Link: You keep your hands off of her you @ss$^@^!

Madgrad: Oh shut up. We all know that your gay, and just want to score with Gannon. Besides, we also know why you are called "Link". Heheheh, you poor bastard. They do have operations now for male enlargement.

Link: *sob*

::Link sulks off::

RtR: But Madgrad, you have lines! How can you defeat the EM?

Madgrad: Simple! I'm not an RPG character, I'm an action hero! I can say anything I damn well please, as long as I make my quota of snappy one liners! Oh here comes my first one: I'm gonna make EM my bitch! Yeah!

RtR: But, don't you need weapons?

Madgrad: Yeah, let me swing by the base, and get my 12 gauge. Next, I'll rescue Mark. Then...the cleansing will begin....

RtR: Why does that sound ominous?

Madgrad: Oh yeah, who's bright idea was it to unleah Gazuga?

RtR: Mine, but he is no problem, he can be controlled by Cosmic Race.

Madgrad: YOU IDIOT! Cosmic Race is over two years old! There are tons of new Sh@tty games out that he will want to play here. Psybadek, ODT , Glover, Tresspaser, the list goes on and on. How do you expect to control him?

RtR: Houston, we have a problem.

Madgrad: Oh well, at least this has sharpened me up, and gotten me ready for a bit of the old ultra violence.


::Tune in next time for Madgrad's beserk killing spree, where he saves Mark, and then lays the smack down of all of the naughty game designers. Its our Christmas gift to you!::

The enraged Madgrad.

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