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The Lost and the...

(As a special treat for you kiddies, we have a guest narrator for this episode: Duke Nukem!)

DN: Take a hike fruitcake.

(I dont appreciate being called...)

DN: *COCKING SHOTGUN* You were saying?


DN: Whuttah thought. Anyhoo, BMS, Madgrad, and Mark make a wrong turn and end up on the other side o' the f*#@ing globe, leaving the clueless duo of Ragnarok the Red and Hasno Little alone in Tokyo Airport.)

HL: Hot dammit, where the hell is everyone?!?

RtR: Why dont we ask "the Duke"?

DN: Foo'! Do I look like a *&$#* tourguide?

RtR: Well...can you speak Japanese?

DN: Lets see...crispy f*^$ing noodles...thats about it.

RtR: Forget it, just return to the invited omnipresent narrative voice you were hired to be...

DN: Whatevuh man. You two wusses just dont come cying' to me later if you find yerselves knee-deep in da s*#t.

(A disgruntled Duke departs disgustedly)

HL: Well lets see, I guess we could kill some time at the Tokyo Shoshinkai game show until they arrive.

RtR: Wait Hasno! Dont you remember when I was spying there last year for the SSGFF? Guess who decided to show up there...

PIKACHU: (backstage at Shoshinkai) Yesss, everything is going according to plan. By dividing the RM 2.0 crew into two groups, I can systematically destroy them with greater ease. The EVIL Leah Clones were but a prototype to my greatest creations. The EVIL French La Femme Fatales will dispose of those horny, hormone-driven, hella-stupid (Gotta make it ryhme!) boys with "toys". Meanwhile, here at Shoshinkai, where all Japanes games begin, will be the end for that meddling Ragnarok the Fool and his "companion" Hasno-Little-in-all-the-wrong-places. HOWARD! Come hither.

Howard Lincoln: Y..yes master! The preparations are complete.

Pikachu: Pikahahahahahahaha! Excellent, let us begin then...

HL: (eating crispy noodles) Man I am so glad we made it here. Did you see this copy of the Japanes version of Fantastic Four I got for free at the Akklaim booth? It'll make a great coaster!

RtR: (eating crispy f*&^ing noodles) Yeah, and at the Nintendo booth I got this air gun from the Pokemon Cannon at E3. Zelda could really use this.

HL: What for, "Ragamuffin"?

RtR: #1 Shut the hell up! #2 Never u mind! #3 Look, the shows about to start!

(The curtain of the stage rise)

HL: By the gaming gods...

RtR: Pikachu, what have you done?...

DN: What! Where you expecting some sorta cryptic foreshadowing? Ah aint Leonard F*&#ing Nemoy! Tune in next time to find out what the hell happens!

(That was very unprofessional Duke...)

DN: Be glad this episode is over, cuz no one wants to see where I'm gonna stick this pipebomb!



-Ragnarok the Red

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