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The Final Fight

(Last time, our five heroes had been tossed down the hole by the Duke, RtR had gotten hungry, and Pikachu continues to mutuate. And I have now been given this lovely cocktail dress! And the straps are stunning!)

Madgrad: Uh, now that you have the dress, BMS is naked. This may present a bit of a problem.

Hasno: And they call me "Hasno" . HAHAHAH!

BMS: Shut the hell up.

(Well, alright. I'll give you back the dress until after you kill the beast, then its mine you little bitch!)

Duke: My, aren't we the jealous little lass!


Mark: Well gentlemen, Pikachu isn't exactly going back to normal here, so lets go get him.

RtR: Promise not to violate any copyrights?

Mark: Yeah, but only is Madgrad agress to.

Madgrad: Okay...grumble...

Someone: Fatass.


Madgrad: Okay, I got an idea. I'll go take point and scout out the area. That way we won't all get bunched up.

Mark: You'll go alone?

BMS: You?

Duke: Finally, one of you pansies has some balls.


Duke: Fairies.

Someone: Testosterone crazed freak.

:: And so Madgrad bravely armed his gun, and wandered off into the tunnels. The rest of the RM crew ran into the other direction::

Mark: There is a name for people like Madgrad...

BMS: Yeah, "bait"

Hasno: Oh look, there's more fur over here. The little fuzzy demon must be close by...

Voice: Closer than you think actually.....

Silent BMS......

Silent Hasno.....

Silent RtR......

Slient Mark.....

Duke: Dman, that's one big ass demon.

::Towering 30 feet into the air, Parasite Pikachu loomed over the RM 2.0 crew. Resembling a cross between an H.R. Geiger nightmare and Pikachu, the demon floated with no apparent suspension::

Hasno: Um, BMS, your the one in the dress. You got any ideas?

BMS: I'm a guy, in a dress, and you are looking to me for ideas?

Mark: Point taken.

RtR: I'm gonna go with the Captain Kirk philosophy here.....set phasers to roast and shoot to kill!

::And so all five men fired upon the mighty Pokedemon, but to no avail::

Duke: man oh man, this have never happened to me before.

::Suddenly, from a platform far above the demon, the Madgrad burst onto the seen::

Madgrad: I'll take you out with something more than bbrute force...I'll!

::Madgrad does a high dive right off of the platform with a submachine gun in each hand, firing all the way down. Ironically, he ran out of ammo right before his body smacked into the ground::

Hasno: Lets go to our panel of our Olympic Judges to see how they rate that dive.

BMS: 9.5

Mark: 10

RtR: 9.8

Duke: 9.2

Madgrad: Ugggggghhhhhhhh

Poke-demon: Hahahah! Now I will crush you sorry @sses!

Voice 2: Hold it right there! No videogame character can curse like that!

Poke-demon: WTF? Who are you?

Voice 2: I'm the EA MAN!! I control what games are published or not! I doom you to censorship!!!

Poke-demon: Noooooooo!

::And by using his massive powers, the EA man doomed the Poke-demon into darkness, not for killing or violence, but for cursing. Ironic.::

Madgrad: Ugghhh, is it over?

Mark: Yes, but not how anyone expected.

Hasno: Wow, I think that the EA Man was scarier than the Poke-demon.

Madgrad: Awwwwww, sh@t. My leg shouldn't bend that way.

Voice 3: Hey! I'm the only one who can kill evil mutations.

Mark: WOW! Its AYA! Your my dream girl. But your voice, its so deep..

Aya: Hate to dissillusin you, but I'm not a chick.

::With that "Aya" rips off "her" Wig, and reveals another very familiar set of blonde hair::

Mark: Your....your...CLOUD!

Cloud: Yeah, you should have been clued off by my stupidity and ineptitude, plus the height.

Mark: Oh my God!

Cloud: Yep, I couldn't get any work after FF7. I had to cross dress to get any work.

Madgrad: So MArk was turned on by a guy?HAHAHAHAH!


Mark: I'm gonna be sick...

Duke: He did have a nice ass.

Madgrad: You too?

(ahem ahem, BMS, you owe me a dress)

BMS: Okay, here, take the dress!

::And so the scene end son our heroes. BMS is naked, Mark is crying, and everyone else is laughing. Tune in next time for our continuing adventures!::


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