France Strikes Back!!!!
Last time, BMS, MAdgrad and MArk had obliterated the evil French army. But, what lay in store for our heroes?
BMS: So, what plane do we steal now?
Mark: I got dibs on that one!
Madgrad: Um, do I really want to fly in an airplane with Grateful Dead bear stickers on the fuselage? And why is there a death's head
on the tail?
Mark: Relax! If it was unsafe, do you think that the FAA would let it fly?
BMS: Um, this is France. The FAA has no bearing here.
Mark: Oh. Oh what the hell. You got to live a little right?
Madgrad: Who's up for taking a bus?!?!
::Meanwhile, the evil Pikachu puppets, the EVIL naked femme fatales began their assualt...::
ENFF: Hello boys!
Mark: And they are talking to us! And not calling the cops! YAY!
Madgrad: Wait! It must be a trap! Think about it it. Chicks...talking to us?
BMS: DAMN! Your right...
Mark: Had to ruin it for the rest of us didn't you?
Madgrad: Hey, I wanted it too...Ahem.....Back off you %^%#!
:: Their disguise ruined, the ENFF morphed into their true form, a cross between the ALiens and Linda Tripp::
BMS: Wow! They look just like my last girlfriend!
Madgrad: The inflatable one?
Mark: No, that belonged to JJJ.
Madgrad: Well, let it be known that against my better judgement, we should board the plane.
::Just then, a voice boomed out of nowhere::
Voice: MREHEHEH! While you could see past the ENFF, you can not escape the one local evil!
BMS: Oh no! It can't be!
Mark: Its not...
Madgrad: OH the horror!
Voice: YEs, you will be trapped in...FRENCH GAME DESIGN!!!
::Suddenly, the horizon changed, the colors faded and blended, and the camera angles shifted::
Madgrad: WTF? All I can see is my @ss!
Mark: And my limbs move at thewrong joint.
BMS: And what's that little freak over there?
Voice 2: Hallo! I am ze ultimate symbol of French game design.
Madgrad: Its Rayman!
Mark: I hated your stupid little girlie game. Come get some!
Rayman: HAHAHA! This is a french game! You'll never be able to line up an attack!
::Out of nowhere, a huge beam of light rips into the landscape. The devastation from the sky
continued for five minutes::
BMS: Wow! We're saved! But where did that beam come from?
Madgrad: It could have only come from one place. Isca's RBFOWP (Really Big F***ing Orbital
Weapons Platform)must still be operational.
Mark: We must end this threat once and for all. There is only one way to defeat a RBFOWP...a small fighter trench run.
BMS: To the fighters!
:: And so our brave heroes run to the airport and find the space fighters. They are stored right next to the C-130 by the way::
BMS: Wow! I get the X-Wing!
Mark: I get the Devastator!
Madgrad: What's left for me? The Y-Wing? Wait, I gotta see this ships system specs.
Lets see. Armor: Wet corrugated cardboard. Shields: Gillete foamy smooth shaving cream. So that's why
these ship are only good for blowing up. Oh, I see my ship...the fully upgraded Vodoo class! YAY!
And so ends this adventure. Tune in next time when our three heroes climb into space, deal with aracde physics, and disprove everything
shown in WC, CW, and SW.