
Letters, letters, and letters! Wait I take that back. Letter, letter, and letter.

-Big Miguel Sanchez

Ho ho he he, Don't you realize that we let you have the good Madgrad?! Meet our new recruit; Bill Donahue!!

Bill: Where's that mountain of beer you promised me?

EGX: Right here!

(I push the Auntie-grooming button on the ray changing Mt. Everest into a mountain of beer only Bill can get to)

Bill: Holy $#%*!!!!!!

EGX: Yeah, now, fetch us some gerbil tubing and plungers!!!

Bill: Yes master!!

As you see, we will destroy Gazuga and throw him into the 196,694,463,596th level of Video game hell!!! And, I have made all phone numbers have to start with 4-824-966-354- 1 then the number with area code and then 768-945-364-840-455-196-956-008, only the evil can escape this sinister phone system!!!!

P.S. To RtR, we have more than 27 members!! We have numbers and symbols too! And numbers are infinite!

-Evil Gamer X and the rest of the EANSGL

BMS: Don't worry, were not evile anymore. We pretty much chase after women nowdays.

Madgrad: Yes BMS, WE may not be evil anymore, but they sure as hell are. Don't worry, I will use their own monster Bill against them. Send in my aide de camp!

Beer Penguin: Doobie Doobie Doo.

Madgrad: Yes, I know that it is horrible, but use your magic to do it anyway!

::And with that, the Beer Penguin turned the mountain of beer into a mountain of imported,, Japanese, LITE BEER!!!::

Bill: AAAAGGGGGHHH! MY BEER! You motherf****** lied to me! You will pay!

::Bill picked up his mighty skull bat, and layed the smack down on the EANSGL::

Madgrad: That solved that. Back to watching the WB to see what chicks BMS and I should chase after.Mmmmmm...Buffy...mmmm

BMS: I don't know, that "Felicity" girl is kinda cute.

Madgrad: True, but she is crazy. Not that we aren't....

Mark: Madgrad, I thought we already discussed this. I get Buffy, Aya, and Eve, while you get Meryl, and Elly. So don't even say Mmmm... Buffy in my presecne, you got that?

RtR: Sorry, I must've been drunk when I did the headcount. Exactly how many are there in the EANSGL, Gamer X? Keep in mind the limited space you have in the frat house at present...
To BMS, Mark, & Madgrad: Dammit, if you guys got all them gals, whose left for me?

Aeku, SMUG, and Zelda: Yoohoo! Ragamuffin!

RtR: OH S*&T!

Hey Mark, Ragnarok, and Hasno

The ice storm knocked out our electricity so I couldn't get on the Internet, but now that I'm back I'm ready to kick evil butt!!!  Now listen, to get rid of Madgrad's evil side for good you most combine the naked pictures of Leah with naked pictures of Tifa, Aya, Felicia, and Morigan.  You must hit BMS with a golden Zelda cart in the head to kill his evil side.  I will distract them with my army of shotgun carrying rednecks, the four South Park robots, and Homer Nukem.


BMS: The electricity at my house was being goofy at my house too, just when I got to Metal Gear. Many of the trees were bent in half. Don't worry we're not evile anymore, but go ahead and send the naked pictures. Homer Nukem would be tough, but I do have experience in killing South Park characters and dealing with rednecks.

Madgrad: HAH! You are all weak! I wethered sub zero temps and ice to get out to EB to buy more games after Christmas, and you dare complain aboot a power outage! Hah! I fart in your general direction. Don't worry about Homer Nukem BMS. I sent out my aide-de-camp; The Beer Penguin, to negotiate. Hey, what's this in the mail? Its a huge heavy package....

::Madgrad opens thee package, and out springs Tifa, Aya, Felicia, and Morgan, all buck ass naked::

Madgrad: (in best english voice) Yeah baby yeah!

BMS: Well, I guess we won't be getting any updates out of him for a long, long time!

Mark: Good NJ20, I'm evil in it's purest form. Send the pictures, be a good boy. Come on, it's the only way to cure me.

RtR: Finally, some name recognition, in return, I do the same for you: NJ20!

You guy forgot to tell the people about personel fighter and how I came out in my kicked you and your wingmates asses. But then your dumbass wingmate crashed into my ship, which spiraled into the moon and crash landed while you destroyed my satellite.. Thankfully, I survived and made it back to Earth. Also, Madgrad, you spelled Xenogears wrong, you dumbass.

-Isca Morinso
Winner of 6 SIBAMOTD Awards, 3 Rabid Monkey Awards, 2 ISILFRP Awards, and 2 Barrels of Diddly Squat

BMS: Don't be dissin my homey! I'm gettin mad! Hold me back Madgrad! I be bout to smack Isca upside his fool head! Oh yeah, your gramma and spellin ain't be being dat grate eitha.

Madgrad: Foo'! You no be messin wit me! I come yo house and be laying the smack down on you! Oh and Isca, you are such a loser for not being able to see the forest through the trees here. Apperently, you didn't give a damn aboot my opinion, because you didn't read the review. If you did you would have seen the &^#@ HTML deleted the score I gave the game. So HAHAHAHAH!

Mr. T: Yo! You best hol' me back Rags! I'm 'bout to make this poh foo' muh ho!

RtR: Calm down T! Here, c'mon, lets go eat some o' the Don's monkey meat lasagna.

Mr. T: Ayeight! (points at Isca) I deal with yo punk-ass latuh!

Topic: Anything videogame related.


Email: rabideditors@hotmail.com