BMS: Yeah, it amazing that most of them even have correct grammar!
RtR: Shocking! Most of our readers aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer.
Mr Hat: Your readers are intellectual whores!
Madgrad: Just had to push it eh Rags?
RtR: Its not my fault.
Madgrad: And we know, you didn't hit it that hard, it must have had an auto destruct mechanism.
BMS: Dude, this intro sucked.
Lt. Dan Squires
Generalisimo Madgrad: Yes my legions, I do have a plan. I have finished my extensive espionage training...
Hasno: He means he's just finished beating MGS on expert and a 24 hour Dethmatch in Rainbow 6.
Generalisimo Madgrad: Whatever. I could not bear risking any of my friends lives, so I will go on the mission alone.
Hasno: He wants to be a brave fool so he can brag to chicks.
Generalisimo: Quiet. Anyway, I will go, seek out the Gibbed server, and plant a small nuclear device. The device when detonated, will generate a EMP pulse that will disable all electronics in the area. I will seize that opportunity to hack into their files, and restore the site to its old masters. In return, we will combine might to create the new Ultra UGPO! NO PUNY START UP NETWORK CAN STOP US NOW!!!
Hasno: He just wants to nuke the SF bay area.
Generalisimo : Shove it ya little jack off!
BMS: Mre heh heh!!! I'll pee on their computers. Yes, I am a military genious.
RtR: Uh, that's "genius" boss...
BMS: And its "Zenogears" you *&@#$!
A disgruntled Gamer X
Madgrad: Sorry Gamer X, I have already put my plan into effect. The nukes should be going off any time now. Hehehe, their fillings are gonna glow! But, do send in the shirtless girlfriend. We may be able to use her for part two of our covert ops....
BMS: I think I like this plan. Topless girlfriend and porn. I think we should use both plans.
RtR: Topless girls with a healthy green glow are the best!
I just beat Zelda!!! Alright!!! I had a cold so I stayed home from school Friday. There was nothing on tv so I played through the last dungeon and beat it. The ending is awesome!!! If you need help destroying the new UGP site just call on the Neon Funster and pay me five dollars. I have an army of Ninja Lawyers ready to help me take them down. BTW: I have a date for the prom, so eventhough I was alone on V-day I'll have a date then. She is not my girlfriend though and she's kinda evil.
Neon Funster
Madgrad: How many times have we told you all....WOMEN ARE EVIL! And they don't go Gwahahahahahah often enough to warn us either. Sorry Neon, we already have a plan on how to take down the new UGPO, and it is soaked with evil.
BMS: Five dollars is expensive too.
RtR: But if she's topless, we'll pay.
Stage 1= The Titanic Battle (OJ only) You go home to fetch your golfing shoes only to find that your evil wife (who you love more than anything) has found comfort in the arms of another man. You must search your mansion, which is crawling with evil police men, for your knife and gloves so that you can battle the evil forces that are attempting to seduce your wife. Oh, yeah, she's killed in the struggle. Features Street Fighter and Resident Evil style action!!
Stage 2= The Chase As either the fleeing OJ or the LAPD, get ready to face speeds of up to 45 mph as you relive the most exciting low speed chase ever! As OJ, you are equipped with a powerful Ford Bronco which As the LAPD, you can turn your police siren on...or even off!
Stage 3= Prison (OJ only) Fight your way through hordes of the viscious inhabitants of the LA minimum security prison! Cringe in terror as Christian Slater (the boss) tries to gnaw on you! Listen to ambient sound effects as they threaten to sue you for stealing the keys to their private in-prison sauna!!!
Stage 4= The Conspiracy (LAPD only) Using the latest in Bond-style technology, plant evidence at the scene of the crime...but be careful, you only have a limited number of conspirators under the leadership of Mark Fuhrman!
Stage 5= Bonus Stage (Both) For a little comic relief, guide Kato Kalin about as he tries to cash in on his 15 minutes of fame. Raise your own little Kato in a virtual pet simulation!
Stage 6= The Trial (Both) As the game builds up to an extraordinary climax, control Marsha Clark or Johnny Cockran in the most viscious brawl ever captured on the small screen! "Object to this, mother f*@#!@!!!" Fully interactive courtroom environment packed with the media and spectators who will also participate!! Pure random havoc makes Mortal Kombat look tame!!
Stage 7= Reputation (Both) Well, as we all know OJ wins the case...but that doesn't mean this battle is over!! As OJ, your acting career is finished and you're left with millions in legal bills! As the LAPD, you've become the most hated police department in the country! How do you bounce back? Create your own infomercial, tamagochi style!!!
Well, that's my game. Any buyers?
Infernal Spawn of Evil
Madgrad: Dude, that is some f$%#^# up s&&&! For the love of god, next time you send something like this, take the time to preformat it and ad some HTML. Did you already forget how to do that after only a month off? Seriously *not* that would be kinda cool. But only if the courtroom battle used the Dead or Alive Bounce Bounce engine.
BMS: I like your idea. Any ideas for a game based on the Clinton scandal?
RtR: Yeah, its about time the Playstation had an "AO" rated game, heh-heh.
you used to be so cool
8 and 0 in the league
maui and soccer
Have so many cool things
Really, they do
2 cool or 2 stupid?
What do you think of it? I know, it sucks. Just like Hasno! Ha ha,Hasno sucks...
Ricola Beast
Madgrad: RIIIIIIIIICCCCCCOOOOOOLLLLLLAAAA! Maybe if those @ssholes weren't shouting off of mountains all damn day, their stupid throats wouldn't be sore! Anyway, I don't know what the hell happened to Hasno. But I must draw a line somewhere. On a serious note, as an editor on this site, it's assumed that you will WORK on the site. If you don't work, you will be fired. To be honest, Hasno hasn't done ANYTHING on this site in months, except some snivelling little comments on the letters page. Unless he does some update within the next week, he will be removed from the site. What's your opinion readers? Should I let the little slacker ride? Or lay the smack down on him? Its your call!
Hasno: OK, dude. I updated with a review. OK? Are you happy now? I know Ricola Beast is. I mean, you obviously aren't very observant, Madgrad. Just look at the first character of each line of the poem. GEE, only 5 people or so could have known that...
BTW, see that contents bar to the left? Who made that? Hmm... I forget... care to FUCKING REMIND ME? :)
Just messing with you, dude! I'm update more often from now on, I promise. (heh, heh, yeah right :))
BMS: Skate or Die! Da da da da die! Anyone else remember that from Skate or Die 2? Speaking of which, what do all you guys think about StreetSk8er and the other "extreme sports" games soon to be released?