Mark: Yes, but can you hang a towel off of a big letters page? I don't think so!
Madgrad: Your welcome.
Pikachu: Mre HEH ha ha!
Bob: Pikachu! What the hell are you doing with that mirror?
Pikachu: Oh, nothing, only making it so I can induce the world to the most horrible thing to pollute online games...
Bob: Oh no you mean...?
Pikachu: Yes! I am making it so the real world will lag!!! HAHAHAHA!
Bob: No... This is not what the mirror was intended to be used for!
Pikachu: It's being used for it now!!! (Reaches through mirror and grabs onto pole, pulls himself through)
Bob: Holy Spam on a stick! He went into the mirror!! I must try to wrong this right! Oh I mean right this wrong! Let's pickle!! (goes into mirror)
Narrator: After Sergeant Bob McBob went into the portal, its dimensional frame collapsed, closing the portal. The good thing is, Pikachu's plan couldn't be carried out, and Pikachu was sealed in the pseduo-demension he made to pipe lag into the real world. The bad thing is, Bob McBob is stuck in that universe fighting Pikachu and god-knows-what creatures. Tis a sad day...
Gamer X: Howdy everyone! I'm hooooooome! Huh? It looks like there's been some kind of Space-time continuum rip was here. Oh, to bad, I have presents for everyone from my quest! Come and get them! Now it's time to update myself on the site...
Gamer X (What the hell happened here while I was gone?)
Madgrad: YEAH! Go Sarge! That mirrir was to be used for one purpose deliver us porn and women! How dare Pikachu foul the sanctity of the device! Show him! Oh hi Gamer X, good to have you back. WHat happened when you were gone? Well the magic rabit came and gave us all honey.
Mark: And he gave me this little eyeball. See my little eyeball? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
RtR: Mark, get that thing out of EVIL Fanfrazio's mouth!
P.S. On a serious note, the best real two player gaming experiences are the original Contra on the NES, Radiant Silvergun, Metal Slug, and X-men vs. SF with the ram cart(all Saturn imports). Yes, Saturn with an import converter and ram pack is one of the best systems around.
Madgrad: Damn man! She did that with YOU too? I knew she was a slut. Better go to a doctor and get checked out. I remember the Final Fight and Streets of Rage games as being great two player titles. Man it was great to kick the other guys ass while pretending to be his friend...whops....perhaps I've said too much. Now to go form an "alliance" in Starcraft..heheheh...
Mark: Personally, there is only one game which provides the best two player entertaiment. THE FUN!!! Oh by the way, my arcade finally got it!!! Whoo-hoo!
RtR: There are still arcades where you live?!? I must visit this "magical" place. Hmm, "arcade".....sounds familiar..but..I..just..can't..REMEMBER!
Madgrad: I just have one question: Why God, why?
Mark: Hey JJJ, does your a** still itch?
RtR: Porn MPEG's are just as evile as girls,!
Captain Moogle
Madgrad: Yeah, Guantlet was sweet. has anyone seen the latest arcade update of it? And sorry, we can't join the Moogle brigade, but you could join us. Granted, I'd be yeer new boss, but hey....
Mark: Actually, I have, and it is nothing like the originals. New arcade :)
RtR: GAUNTLET BABY! Its great the series was revived in the "arcades" (that word again!) and may the console ports be flawless, especially the N64 ram-pack version *drool*.
As for bribes, what games would you like Generalismo? I could do with a Colonel's pay scale. And of course, the higher the rank, the more women you get. Right, Presidente?
Captain Daniel Squires
Madgrad: Dude, you...and your friend....both went to the same time....Am I the only one who thinks that this sounds really, really sick? THis may violate our "Don't ask, Don't tell" poilcy. As for bribes, you can't go wrong with a brand new copy of "Aiko's Panty Adventures" or "Baka Baka Frivoluous Lawsuit Bounce Bounce Zwei."
fourgewdtimes, darc gremlin!
Madgrad: New rule: I excercise editorial control from now one over what we print okay? I can't take any more of this!
Mark: Hey, I had to put up with it on the ol' Whacko Gamer. How he tracked me down here, I will never know. How he even has the ability to use a keyboard is beyond me.
Mark: What the hell was that?
RtR: The sound of Darc Gremlin's spellchecker checking OUT!
Infernal Spawn of Hell
Madgrad: Yeah Chris, that was sweet. I remember how hard it was to hold the camera from behind the couch..OH! Damn it, I wasn't supposed to say that. Yep, Contra did rock...
Mark: I told you girls aren't evile. Just the ones that steal your wallet. LIKE A VIKING!!!
RtR: Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, B, A, (select for 2 players), and Start. Lather, rinse, repeat. Sure, I can't remember my license number, but the Konami code is forever etched in my mind...
1. CRONO (Chrono Trigger)
Marle: Crono, do you like my outfit today?
Marle: Crono!!! Please answer!
(Marle slaps Crono in the face)
Marle: Fine, if you're a shameless homosexual squirrel abuser, say nothing!
2. CLOUD (FF7)
Aeris: Cloud, do you like people?
Cloud: No!
Aeris: Cloud, do you...
Cloud: No! I only like to kick ass, take names, and grow from a midget into an anime character.
Aeris: Cloud, you sound a little mean right now, and you look kind of sick...
(everything turns red, Cloud grabs his spikey head and falls to his knees)
Aeris: Uh oh, not ANOTHER acid flashback!
4. BUTZ (FF5)
Faris: So Butz, how did you come by your name?
Butz: Well, as you can see, I'm a totally average generic RPG character...but there is one thing that sets me apart.
Faris: What's that?
(Butz rips off Faris' clothes and buries his head between her ass cheeks)
P.S. To those of you who are bashing me because of my opinion of the "classic" Dragon Quest/Warrior series, play the NES ones through again and after the novelty and nostalgia wears off, THEN tell me they are good games. And to the one who said it sounds like I played them for the first time recently, I have owned 1, 3, and 4 when they came out as well as rented the second a few times and I hated them as much back then as I do now. Final Fantasy, Star Tropics (ever heard of that one?) and Crystalis are much better RPGs for the NES. Also, Madgraduate, if an RPG is good, I should be able to play through it again and it should be as good as the first time. I played through many good RPGs a second time and they were still good. Also, I never said FF7 was bad, I said it was extremely overrated.
P.P.S. Do you by chance actually get any sleep at night, Madgrad? Or do you have much of a life?
Madgrad: Mmmmpph mmmmppph mpppphhh mmmmppppphh. *GASP* And that 7, is how to say hello properly. Oh hello Isca. I do agree with you on all except Cloud, the little freak was cool, plus he turned into "Aya" musch to Mark's dismay. And what the hell do you care about how much I sleep at night? Your not there are you...ARE YOU?!?!
Mark: Hey, when do I get my turn Madgrad? I want to be assimalated! Isca,
RtR: If the DW games didn't float your boat, thats ok, BUT DONT PUSH YOUR BELIEFS ON ME MAN!
Madgrad: Now look who's trippin?
RtR: BTW, I think many story-driven RPG's aren't as good the second time around; cuz you already know all the suprises and plot twists, and of course, have seen the denoument.
TOPIC: FPS plots: What new FPS do you want to see?