What was your favorite weapon or attack for the end bosses in an RPG?
Yep, I the MADGRAD am back, and feeling good. But I'm still all evil, so don't worry one bit.
Ack, and I thought you left the evil bastard in Ohio...
-Big Miguel Sanchez, Madgrad, and Ragnarok the Red
Zelda vs. Metal Gear Solid:
Let me share a story. Only a little over a month ago, I purchased the
Playstation masterpiece known as Metal Gear Solid. While playing
through the game as perhaps the coolest main character ever, I thought
to myself, "Man, is this the pinnacle of videogaming or what?!".
Never before has a game been more fulfilling(aside from maybe FF3 and
a select few others).
Enter Zelda 64. I was completely wrong. After a couple weeks
of adoring my Playstation for its vast library of games and MGS,
Miyamoto has brought me back to the Nintendo faithful. Just buy Zelda
and experience it for yourself. That is all I can say. While I do
own both games and systems, if I had to choose one or the other, I
would choose Zelda. Luckily, I have both. =)
A couple other things, Madgrad- get yourself an N64. And here
is my Zelda story: Not being able to wait for my copy until after
school, I decided to go to my local Best Buy during my lunch hour to
get it. Well, traffic was horrible, and I ended up 20 minutes late
for my next class. To avoid a meeting with the dean and getting my
off campus lunch privileges taken away, I told his secretary that I
had car trouble when I went home to get some homework that I forgot.
=) She gave me a pass, and I was home free...But I will tell you
this, even if I was caught, it would have been worth it to get Zelda.
BMS: mmmm....Zelda, MGS, Panzer Dragoon Saga....mmmm I myself am seriously biased in the videogame world. I hate bad games.
MADGRAD: Heheheheh.....yeah, any game that has a lead character called Solid Snake is just too cool. Yeah, I can't wait for the sequel where you play an older Snake: "Metal Gear Flaccid".
RtR: Ugh, that would be one game I hope doesn't have Dual Shock support.
You have dishonored me and my letters column for the last time,
Rabid Funsters! I have come to purge the foul stench of your monkey
once and for all.
Funfranzio: Oooooooohh Aaaaaaa!
Excuse me, o' primate bearer of contagion, but...do you have the time?
Funfranzio: ?????
you're probably asking yourselves,"just what is the Stone Cold Funster?"
It is here nor there, coming nor going, past nor present...
I will now disappear back into the shadows from wence I came.
-Ch...er...Infernal Spawn of Hell
BMS: Who is this mysterious Spawn of Hell? It sounds like a job for Scoob and the gang.
MADGRAD: HAHAHAH! You fool! The monkey was our enemy and now you killed him for us! You are my puppet, and now.....I am.....THE EVIL MADGRAD AGAIN!!! Oh look, its Cloud and SMUG! Bring those little bitches on, cause I got a whole can of whup ass waiting! Yeah! Yeah! Fight!
BMS: Oh God no, look what you did now.
RtR: Damn, why the hell do our enemies keep returning from videogame hell to torture us. I have a theory that every time a bad game is released, a small rip is temporary opened in the videogame underworld allowing vile creatures like Fanfrazio to escape. Psybadek...Psygnosis, I'm looking in your direction...
Hey, I like your site pretty well. I'm just writing because I have the
pathological need to point out to all Blade Runner fans that the original
novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? was 83.6 times better. Not that
the film was awful but it was so damn pretentious it was not even vaguely
amusing. Ack! Don't hurt me! I like your site, I really do!
-Geoffrey Moses
BMS: Thanks for the compliment. Don't worry about us hurting you. Watch out for the monkey though he's rabid and crasey ma'n.
EVIL-MADGRAD: I'll hurt you though, and that's the bottom line! Now bring the replicant to me....
RtR: Actually I thought the director's cut was less pretentious and a little bit darker. Havent gotten 'round to reading the book yet.
Hey, Gamer X! You are such an idiot! You stole the cow I made myself.
It is a stealth weapon, with hundereds of weapons, a tracking device,
and a sub-atomic explosive strapped underneath its belly. The real cow
is hidden in my house (very well, might I add). Right now, I am
controlling the cow with my remote super-computer console hidden in my
basement. Wait till you see the scatter gun in action. Mwa ha ha!!
And its my cow. I won it fair in square. Next time, you solve
Madgrad’s puzzle and you’ll get your own cow!!!
-Isca Morinso
Winner of 6 SIBAMOTD Awards, 3 Rabid Monkey Awards, A barrel of diddly
squat, and a medal of honor from the secretary of defense (I created the
ultimate weapon for them).
BMS: You did not invent the cow weapon the guys at Acclaim did for Southpark 64. The your scatter gun is just a Contra ripoff of something that is only effective at close range.
EVIL-MADGRAD: Yeah, the scatter gun did suck. I couldn't hit sh@t with that thing. Thats why I have my trusty GENERIC VILLAN BLADE! Its standard issue for all evil RPG bosses like myself. And its so long and shiny....
BMS: Looks like someone has a bit of a complex....
EVIL-MADGRAD: Oh by the way Isca, that letter earned you another ISILRPA award.
BMS: Don't they serve those at the Quick E Mart? Wait, those are slirpees.
RtR: SO! It was at your house, eh? Lets see what else you have in there Isca. What the...
Real Dead Horse: !!!
TOPIC: What was your favorite weapon or attack for the end bosses in an RPG?
Email: rabideditors@hotmail.com