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"The news that other people can't find or are scared to post"*

This is where you get the trash about the videogame world. It may be risky, but some videogame characters have squeaky clean reputations (especially Nintendo characters). I aim to risk my life bringing their dark secrets and exploring the dark underbelly of the videogame world.


A New Playstation Logo

Rumors have been all over the net about Sony using a triangular logo for the next Playstion, or the PSX2, or the PSY or whatever the crazy kids are calling in now days. The president of Sony Computer Entertainment, Ken Kutaragi said that the logo would be very much like the current version. It is expected that Sony will strut it's new logo this fall, but I couldn't wait until then so I have dug deeper into the story. Naturally I had to find a great unbiased source so I went straight to Bubba's n64 Rulez Game Page which is located here. According to this reliable source the new Playstation will be called the "Gaystation". The logo will be really similar to the current except it will say "GS" instead of "PS". He also mentioned the inclusion of a gay pride rainbow in the design. Another thing he mentioned was that Sega and Sony suck, that the N64 "rulez", and that he thinks that Superman 64 is the best game ever made. More on this as it develops.

-Big Miguel Sanchez


Tomba's Return

Everyone's favorite pig %@!#er is coming back in all of his pig %@#$ing glory to the Playstaion. This time the pig %@#$er will be in 3d so he'll get to %#$! pigs in the third dimension. According to some Sony spokesperson "Tomba is a bit older (pig ^@#$er) now and is back with new (pig !@#$ing) animations, new (pig ^@#$ing) weapons, and a new (pig %@#$ing) attitude." Tomba will %@#$ err... fight pig bosses and get new pig !#$$ing suits that will give him new pig %@#$ing abilities. The pig %@#%ing Japanese version is being released this fall, unless they decide to include a pig ^@$#ing, smelly cloth map which will delay the game at least six months. The pig @#$% US version will be released in January of 2000, if of course the world doesn't end. According to Sony, in this Woopee Camp developed game Tomba will have to battle evil pigs. This has caused a great uproar in the pig world. They are offended by the fact that the friendly pigs of the world are going to be seen as evil. The last game did enough damage. Have you tried to bring your pet pig into a restaurant lately? They won't let the pig in, obviously because of the pig stereotype created by the original Tomba game. All of the pigs that I have talked to are not only offended, but afraid. With Tomba on the street no pig is save, any pig could be %@#$ed at anytime. More on this as it develops.

-Big Miguel Sanchez


Mark Returns

That's right, I have returned! And where have I been?!? Well, it all started when I went to see Star Wars... [flash back music begins to play] I went to one of those new multi cineplexes. To cut a long story short, I got lost. I was able to sustain myself off of popcorn and lost drinks, and finally made my way out. But now I see that Austin Powers 2 is out. Time to go back in I guess.



Sony denies alleged Grandia Delay

In response to rumors of a delay Sony has said that Grandia will be released in October. Grandia is coming out in Japan on June 24 and the localization process will begin shortly after. This seems to be a good deal but to dig deeper into this story I contacted a psychic via a 1-900 number. She (I'm using she by keeping with the the stereotype that all 1-900 psychics are female) told me that she sees doom in my future. This obviously means a delay. I asked why and she went on about it being "mapped out later" and something to do with "the land of the rising sun". I imagine that this is some evile Japanes plot to get the game delayed or the obvious delay due to mass amount of time for the development and research of the construction of some sort of stinky cloth map. More on this as it develops.

-Big Miguel Sanchez


Madgrad's dark, dark past....

All is not well in the Rabid Jungle. At first all of the editors appear as normal happy teenagers. But no, one of them bears a deep dark secret. El Presidente's second in command, Generalisimo Madgrad. No one really knew the true origins of Madgrad, or how he rose to power under El Presidente...until now. The truth is that El Presidente first noticed Madgrad's talents after he performed a high profile hit on Don Luigi. After seeing such talent, he was commisioned by the evil power hungry Presidente...


Announcer: Gasp...argh...Fredo....

Madgrad: No one insults El Presidente, capiche?



El Presidente Sanchez Presidential Scandal

Mre heh heh!!! (Note: Maniacal laughter means that I'm evile.) Hello all. I'm Evile Miguel Sanchez and I'm here to ruin Big Miguel on his own site. I have broken into the complex. Has everyone noticed how lame Big M's writing has been lately? Worse than usual. He has many interns and has been given... well lets just say those women coming out of his office weren't auditioning to appear on in a "where's you milk mustasche?" commercials. More as it develops.

-Evile Miguel Sanchez


Big Miguel Sanchez Spotted in South Park!

As I was peering out of the sewers I noticed a very wierd little boy talking to Kenny, Kyle, and Cartman. At first I thought that he was a celebrity but I noticed it was Big Miguel Sanchez from the Rabid Monkey Game Site. My friend Fujibon and I like him because all of his writing is crap. Yeah, he's a big celebrity in the sewer. Now don't you all forget to wash behind your ears.

-Mr Hankey


Hmm, now that Mark mentions it, Coco's belly did loom a little larger at the show. But I wouldnt touch the subject of the genetic makeup of a flower/bandicoot hybrid with a ten foot pole. Anyway, as we last left u, Rag was about to lay down the smack on Pikachu...hopefully.
RtR: (equips power glove) Alright Pikachump, your goin' back in THE BALL!
Pikachu: Not a chance fatass! I have prepared for this moment. (presses button on remote control)
(Orbital Sattelite platform transmits brainwaves directly into in RtR's brain)
RtR: I love to sing a' 'bout the moon an' the 'tune 'a *ZAP*
Pikachu: Pikahahahahahahahahaha!
RtR: Thats it, your pokemon @$$ is mi...*ZAP*...I'm stuck on Pikachu cuz Pikachu's stuck on meeeeee!!!! *ZAP* Whu...huh?
(Rag reawakens to find the crowd...still there. But Pikachu is missing!)
RtR: Damn, he got away while I was..uh..nevermind. Gotta take out that orbital platform...and I'll need the help of the AGL.

-Ragnarok the Red


Coco Pregnant?!?

That's right, the famous sister of Crash Bandicoot has been checked into a hospital. And when I saw here, well, let's just say her stomach was much larger than before. Then I got the official news from the doctors, she's been with child since she has been seen with Sunny. It's a well known fact that flowers have both male and female parts, so is Sunny Flower the father? Or is this another classic case of incest. More to come.

-Marky Mark a member of the monkey bunch


It has been an eternity since this area of this sight was updated, but everyone around here seems to have fallen in some strange virus-induced sleep. *sigh* Just as I was starting to settle in. Anyway, the SSGFF set me on a trip to Japan to observe Pikachu and whatever diabolical plan he may have in the works. Yeah I know, this is Mongo's job, hes the reconaissance officer, but he too seems to be in that mysterious coma... ANYWAY, I decided to kick it at the Tokyo Game Show while I was there, and lo and behold, there is Sunny Funny and Coco Bandicoot holdin' hands..err, petals. Rumor has it they "pollinated" for 17 "straight" hours...I dont believe it either. Ah well, the shows about to start, cant wait for the opening act.
Announcer: Konichiwa ladies and gentlemen, we'll be getting to the dancing Ayas and Eves momentarily...
RtR: Oh boy! (drool)
Announcer: But first a word from our sponsor...
Pikachu: (pulls out green "Japan only" Pokemon cartridge on string) YOU WILL ALL OBEY ME! PIKACHU IS YOUR LORD AND MASTER!
RtR: Oh $*it, more on this story as it develops folks! But I gotta go. (in Duke Nukem voice) Big Daddy Rag's gonna kick some pokemon tail...

-Ragnarok the Red

Hot Gossip: Sunny and Coco a Couple?!?

Word is that ever since Parappa cheated on Sunny Funny, she's been looking for some compasion from someone to help her get through this tough time. At a recent videogame promotion event in Japan, Sunny Funny was caught showing some affection towards a well known videogame character, Coco!!(Crash's sis') Sources say that they saw the two holding hands and laughin' in an more secluded area in the building where the event was held.(maybe hoping that nobody would see them?) When asked seperately about their relationship, they had this to say: "She makes me feel better about myself and I really enjoy her company. We're close friends, and we trust and understand each other really well." said Sunny. "I just love flowers!! She's a great friend and we really get along. She even let me touch her peddles, how many living flowers do you know that let you do that?" exclaimed Coco. Well make of it what you will, but lets just hope that if they are more than best friends, that they don't be excluded in the upcoming sequels to the games that they co-star in. As of this writing, Crash could not be reached for a comment. More on it as/if it develops.

Hardcore Gamer-PSX


Parappa the Rapper is cheating on Sunny Funny!

The video game world has been a little boring lately. Everyone is behaving themselves. One of my photographers found something about a little guy we all know as Parappa the Rapper, but should his name be "Pimprappa the Rapper"? I imagine that Parappa began to tire of Sunny Funny. (She is only a flower you know.) He seems to have found a new lady that is only known by the name of "Yellow". Neither Parappa or Sunny Funny could be reached for comment. More on this later.
-Big Miguel Sanchez


In a risky spy operation in the Pokemon complex I have discovered that Pichaku and the Pokemon's are bringing in the big guns, The Arcade Redemption Machines. The Pokemon, Mario-Suave, the Coconut Monkey and all those others know of these machines evil power. These machines are so powerful that they have all but killed the Arcade. They sneak into arcades multiply and take all of the space of the real gamers that just want to play a game of Ms Pacman or Top Skater. Not only this, but they destroy the young kids that actually play the damn things by getting them addicted to all of the "great" crappy prizes they win. Here is the transcript of what happened when I saw the meeting between Pichaku and the evil mother of all redemption machines, the ski-ball machine.
PICHAKU: You've already taken over all of the arcades. Why not the world?
SKI BALL MACHINE: What's in it for me?
PICHAKU: I will help you completely destroy the arcades by incinerating all of the non-redemption machines. I will destroy them all, even the MS PACMAN MACHINES!
This caused me to lose it, I could not live in a world without Ms Pacman machines.
I lunged at the Ski Ball machines power cord to pull it's plug, but Pichaku stuck one of his movies in the VCR. I saw the colored lights so I got sick and fell to the ground.
SKI BALL MACHINE: You fool, nothing can defeat me, not even Virtua Fighter 3, NFL Blitz, or any Street Fighter game. I am too strong, my army is too big. I will finish you off with my wooden balls.
I knew that I was done for, but Conker the Squirrel heard the whole thing.
CONKER: Did someone say balls. I love nuts and balls. My multiplayer mode will be fun. Me and my friends will all be able to play with our nuts. I can fit 9 balls in my mouth. He jumped in front of me and caught all 9 of the ski balls in his mouth.
CONKER: Yuck, what are these things?
I stumbled off to safety.

-Big Miguel Sanchez


Some sources tell me that Ms. Pacman and Pacman have a lot more in common than most think. The only difference is the bow. Pacman has a hobby of dressing up as a woman. He even decided to make money off of his hobby/lifestyle so he starred in Ms. Pacman. It wasn't difficult to fool people because Pacman isn't very manly anyway. My source requested to not be mentioned due to fear of being eaten and spitted out as eyeballs. Oops! I've said way too much.
-Big Miguel Sanchez


Wario is a clone of Mario! I was talking to Mario recently and found out that Wario isn't just an enemy and relative, but a genetic clone. Mario was sick of Wario leaking stuff about his life out to me so he told us this about Wario.
Wario said, "These are all lies, Mario has been doing Gruntilda too much, yes thats right Lara"
This could be where Wario got his evilness, more on this as it develops.

-Big Miguel Sanchez


Mario is suspected of having an affair with Lara Croft! It has always been believed that mario has KA life, but I recently saw Mario leaving Lara Croft's house when I was visiting my good buddy Wario and he may be up to some M activities. I wasn't suspicious at first, but when Mario was leaving he refused to give me much information and ran off with a goofy look on his face.

All he said was, "Momma Mia."

I asked Wario if he knew anything about this.

Wario said,"Mario has been really frusterated with Princess Toadstool. He's chased after her for years and she won't give him the time of day. He has also been at Lara's a lot lately especially during the late hours."

Princess Toadstool and Lara could not be reached for comment. More on this as it develops.

-Big Miguel Sanchez


After hearing of this shocking news, I called up mario to see if I could get a comment. Here's what he had to say; "I've a-got no idea what-a they are-a talking about. Me and-a Lara are just-a good friends sharing tips for how-a to make-a each-a others sequel a little-a better. It-a is true however that-a me and the bitc- I mean-a Toadstool had a fallin out. She a-no ever want-a to do it ya-know? She-a say 'Mario look, I baked a cake for you.' I-a tell her I no want a cake,...I want-a to f#$%! But a-she never want-a to f@$% me, the-a bitch just want-a to bake. I-a tell her to wise up-a cause I'm-a da ladies man! Every gal want-a me. I've-a got more ho's dan-a chinese directory! Now-a I hear she-a do a three-way with-a two toad guards. My-a heart she-a break. I-a go back to my-a harem now." Stay tuned for updates on this breaking story.

-Joey Jo Jo, (thanx for the great news)


AS I digged deeper into the story, I found out that Toadstool was caught in the back of a nightclub with her face in Luigi's lap! Could Luigi be the cause of the break up? When I asked him, he had this to say; "We are-a just good friends. These talks about her giving me-a oral are-a outrageous! She-a was just-a crying in-a my lap! Mario a-no how to treat her a-right. He-a too much of a swinger for her. I-a tell you one thing, he-a better put me in-a Mario 64 2 or theres-a gonna be war!" I'll have more as this develops.

-Joey Jo Jo, (thanx for more great news)

*This is all for fun by the way.

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