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F-Zero X

Now this is a great game. You'll be happy about it before you play it. You know why? The title of the game doesn't say 64 in it. It's got everything that I wished was in the original F-Zero. Well, most everything. (ME WANT WEAPONS!!!) This time there is a huge machine selection. 30 machines! The track selection is incredible too. If you can earn it there is a random track generator. Talk about infinite replay. The "Old School" Nintendo could be on the comeback. it's also nice to be able to make minor adjustments to your machine. (better acceration vs. more speed)


The graphics can best be described as, ZZZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMM!!!! This game is fast. The backgrounds are sparse in detail, but the lack of detail allows for blazing speed. 60 fps, kick arse! There can be up to 30 cars in the race (no generic ones this time folks) and all of them can be on the screen at once with no slowdown. The tracks themselves look good, albeit simple. This isn't a bad thing, there's no time for site seeing with the fierce competitors and supersonic speed. It's also nice to see a game with clean textures on the Blurtendo 64. The cars are a bit simple too, but they look as good as Wipeout's due to all of the N64 spiffy technical tricks. The multiplayer moves are smooth, fast and have little pop up suprisingly.


The music is really great for a cartrage. There's some great techno, metal, and remixes of the original F-Zero's music. mmmm.... Mute City and Port Blue music mmm.... The sound effects aren't spectacular, but they are adequate and distinct. It's the typical futuristic selection and most of them seem like updates of the original's although less high pitched. This will make fans of the original feel more at home.


The control is very good. It's really easy to pick up and once you get the hang of it you'll be flying around the curves with ease. Of course with how much ease depends on the grip of your machine.


You know what you get if you add speed to good control and mix it with crafy computer controlled opponents? Killer gameplay. Everything fits into place. The races are pretty much full contact, but in my opinion need some weapons. There are several modes of play and the multiplayer is great due to the reasons listed above.


SOUND 8/10


GAMEPLAY 10/10 This is easily the best racer on the Nintendo 64 and is also a little better than Wipeout. It's the best non-realistic racer on a console system.

-Big Miguel Sanchez

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