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The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time

To say the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is the greatest game ever made is NOT an understatement, and one I can say with pure honesty. Like Mario 64, gamers were unsure of the transition Zelda would make to 3-d. Well, I'm happy to say all such skeptics, including myself, are now eating a healthy amount of crow. *choke* *hack* *cough* *PTOOIE!*...Damn feathers.

The tale begins in Kakariko Village, where the Deku Tree, the wise guardian of the Forest, sends Navi the Fairy to find "the boy without a fairy" (easy enough, being that there's only one...) The young boy is met by the fairy, and upon meeting with the Deku Tree, learns of his true destiny, to be the savior of Hyrule.

GRAPHICS: Absolutely brilliant with incredible attention to detail. Hyrule comes ALIVE in incredible wide open spaces. From the beatiful countryside and cheerful forest to the bustling marketplace and the dank dungeons. Link moves very smooth and realistically, and it is likely you will never get tired of his sword-slashing animations.

SOUND: Whoever said CD-quality music cannot be done on cartridge can now join us at the table for some of this delicious black bird. Zelda delivers an incredible orchestral soundtrack truly worth owning. The Ocarina songs, while short, will have you playing them even when there is no need, just so you can hear them. Sound effects from the retracting of the hookshot to the swing of the sword are right on cue. The voiceovers and battlecries are a nice touch too.

CONTROL: Here is where the biggest differece is. Moving around in the 3-d world is very much similar to Mario 64, but with a few major differencs. Despite speculation, the auto-jump feature works very nicely, items can be assigned to three of the yellow arrow buttons, likewise the thse yellow buttons and the "A" button can be used to play the ocarina. Talk about making music! But perhaps most unique of all, the Z Targeting System. Now with the press of the button beneath the analog controller, Link can lock on to his enemies when in range. After which, he can follow them around with all attacks directed toward that particular enemy. This makes for some interesting and enjoyable battle strategies.

GAMEPLAY: The trademark Zelda dungeons are back. Bigger and badder than ever, and now, in 3-d (that phrase again!) The puzzles are very well designed, with very few venturing beyond the realms of logic. Each dungeon, too, has its own unique look, layout, and types of puzzles. You will be occupied for weeks.


There are not enough words to describe what pure joy and ecstasy you WILL experience playing this game. Get this game for yourself, for any friends or family who may get a chance to pry the controller from your hands long enough for someone else to try. Above all, play this game to experience one of the greatest "Legends" ever created. I was a skeptic, I ate my crow, and was humbled and amazed at what I beheld. You will be too.

-Ragnarok the Red

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