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This page is not just simply here to cause havic in the game. Most of the cheats on this page are widely known, and used.

This page is ment to inform the people who do not know what the hacks are, how to use them, or what hacks to even look for.

I know these hacks will be used to ruin games, and people will use them to cheat, but that is why the zone supplied the host with the "BOOT".

My philosophy is, if the game has flaws, and people are exposing them (using cheats), then ALL should be informed or armed with the knowledge to do the same back. So if you have been a jerk on the zone crashing peoples games, and cheating to ruin other peoples games. Then this page is exactly what you deserve to have done to you....


These are not hacks, but some people may not know them (if they've been living under a rock).

1. BOOTING PLAYERS FROM INSIDE THE GAME: click somewhere on the screen to get rid of the cursor from the type message toolbar.

2. press the F-12 key , and a utility box will appear on screen.

3. click on the players name who you want to boot, and hit the eject button.

while the game is in progress, just simply click the F-12 key , and the same menu will appear while you are in the game also.

If you are outside in the zone, and have created a room ( you havent launched the game yet), and someone comes in being rude.

Simply right click on the persons name, and it will say eject player. Then click on eject, and they have been removed from your room.

Good for getting rid of a laggy player that does not want to be removed from the room.


You must be host for this to work online

Each gun will have different values, this is just an example gun.

Location: Tom clancy / Data / Kit

1. Open the Kit folder (use wordpad or notepad to view files),

2. 40 // Rounds Per Magazine (you can change this number to anything you want it to be)

3. 700 // Maximum Rate of Fire (The higher the number, the faster your gun will shoot)

4. .01 // General accuracy of weapon

5. .01 // Accuracy change for each round fired

6. .01 // Reticule time constant multiplier

7. save the file.

You may also change the sounds of the guns, muzzle flash (to hide your position), ammo that the gun shoots, it's all pretty easy to do just mess around with the attributes. MAKE SURE YOU BACK-UP ALL FILES BEFORE ALTERING


Location: Tom clancy / Data / Kit

Open the Kit folder, and scroll down 12 rows, 3rd from right til you see "FRAG"

You should be looking at the same as this :

5 // Position of name text in localization file

"Frag Grenade" // Simulation name Grenade // Type

"grenade_inv.bmp" // Bitmap name for inventory widget

"longclip.bmp" // Bitmap name for inventory count

200 // Flash Radius

800 // Blast Radius

20 // Blast Damage

Just make the numbers higher under Blast Radius, and Blast Damage. Make sure you save the file when you get the desired values.


You must be host for this to work online

Location: Tom clancy / Data / constants

Open the constants white folder and scroll down until you see:



change to look like this:



after you change the numbers make sure you save the file.

adding the additional zero to MAX_THROW_VELOCITY makes the grenades throw very far, and no more waiting before you throw them (example: you will now be able to throw a grenade from one hanger, to another hanger on the airport map), you can also change the MIN_THROW_VELOCITY to a higher number if you have a problem of killing yourself with your own frags. Play around with these numbers until you find what suits you best this is just one example.


Works whether you host or not

Location: Tom clancy / Data / constants

Open the constants folder, and scroll down until you find:


change this to:


NEW UPDATE : I've been playing around with the value, and found that you can still walk thru walls with a value of up to 6.0 , and your shots will register much better.

That's all there is to it. Now play a mission offline to see the effect. WARNING: there is a drawback to this hack. While you will be able to hide in boxes, couches, and go behind the airport wall. Some of your bullets will not register. Since you are somewhat transparent so will your bullets be (noone will see you as transparent though, dont worry). Grenades will not be affected by this hack at all, they still blow people up!!! .

You will not be able to walk thru every wall. Play around with it, and you will learn soon enough what it does, and does not do.


Works whether you host or not

Location: Tom clancy / Data / constants

Open the constants folder, and scroll down until you find:


you may alter this number form 1.0 to 1.8 I would not recommend altering anymore than this. On 1.8 you will be super fast, and everyone in the room that is paying attention will obviousely know your cheating. Play around with the number until you find something comfortable.

save the file when your done.


This hack has been fixed by the Zone, It no longer works!!!

This is done with a program. Join a room, and then run the application (just double click on the program), it will do the rest. A message pops up, hit OK, and start typing in your own messages in the hosts room.



This is another program to flood the main chat room with. It does work, but I haven't had much luck with flooding privately.



ok lets say your name on the zone is: absolute

once inside the game room where you join the Blue or Gold team, change your name to this:


just add a bunch of numbers behind your name (fill up the whole name screen with about 50-100), then click down where you type in messages to other players, and hit ENTER and the game is crashed. If you don't change name back before you come out of the crashed game, the host will not be able to launch the game. It will say connection to the server could not be established or was broken during login. cool huh?


the ladder cheat works on any level that has a ladder on it.

Start to climb up the ladder, then use your cursor down key along with the action key to climb down. If done correctly you should be underneath the ground, and can see the whole map. Start shooting the opposing team they wont know what hit them.

WARNING!!! once you commit to going under the surface, you will be stuck there, and not able to climb out. So use at your own risk...


You must be host for this to work online

You can add as many frags as you desire, this is just an example on how to do it.

Location: Tom clancy / Data / Kit

1. Open the Kit folder (use wordpad or notepad to view files),

In the kit folder scroll down to almost the bottom until you find the SPECIAL and SPECIALMP files.

Open these 2 files, and you will see where it says

// -------------------------------

// Special Items File

// -------------------------------

"special.txt" // filename of localized header text

10 // number of items


// Name......Picture Filename......# of frames......Weapon Filename......Quantity


"ex_emptykit.txt" "none.bmp" 1 "none.eq" 0

"ex_demokit.txt" "demolitions_kit.bmp" 1 "demo.eq" 1

"ex_eleckit.txt" "electronics_kit.bmp" 1 "elec.eq" 1

"ex_lockkit.txt" "lockpick_kit.bmp" 1 "lock.eq" 1

"ex_frag.txt" "grenade.bmp" 1 "frag.eq" 3

font color="white">"ex_flash.txt" "flashbang.bmp" 1 "flashbng.eq" 3

"ex_breach.txt" "door_charge.bmp" 1 "largebreach.eq" 1

"ex_primmags.txt" "primary_clipmp.bmp" 8 "extraprimary.eq" 3

"ex_secmags.txt" "secondary_clipmp.bmp" 7 "extrasecondary.eq" 3

"ex_hbsensor.txt" "hbsensor_kit.bmp" 1 "hbsensor.eq" 1

Where I have the number 3 in red highlighted, that is where you change the value in both files to whatever you desire.

That's all there is to it, so save the file and start blowing your friends up.