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10.1) Conditioning practice
Type each line twice.
(slowly, then faster)

hj ed ol tf ik ws nj rf uj cd p; xs yj gf a;sldkfj

fix it, he got it, pay her, six pens, you sign it,

Keith is to fix the sign; then I shall pay for it.

10.2) Check shift-key technique
Type once as shown

Goal: To use each of the shift keys without wasting time or motion.

Shifting cues
1. Depress the shift key.
2. Strike the letter key.
3. Release shift key quickly.

Abbreviations such as U.S. and N.Y. may be typed solid (without internal spacing).

Hal Oakes; Kate Hauss; P. J. Kahle; Oak Hills Hall

Dr. Wilkes; St. Charles; Fort Worth; Rholff Court;

Lars J. Houch; Dr. Keith G. Sayle; U.S. Air Force;

10.3) Check space-bar technique
Type drill twice;
space with down-and-in
(toward palm) thumb motion

Goal: To type words without pausing before or after spacing stroke.

the end as so hit the or run and do in no pay your
I was told he hit a long, high fly to right field.

say it pay it pay for say yes dye it lay it try to
If you say yes, I shall try to play the role well.

10.4) Check keystroking technique

Type drill twice

Goals, line by line

1-2. Without moving hands upward.

low key to put top row wish it good work just laws

It is a just law for us who work at the lake site.

3-4. Without moving hands downward.

an ax, all land, can call, a hack, a sax, and flax

Jan lacks cash. Cal has a sax. Nan can add cash.

5-6. Without moving elbows in or out.

fix the net not as yet want to cit call the plant

Ned is to call the plant. Ceil is to land at six.

10.5) Type with continuity

Type each line once

It is up to us to try it.

Jane can do this work, I know.

Len is to work with us at the lake.

Clyde will fix their gold urn if he can.

Keith is to pay the six girls for their work.

Frank said it is right for us to do the work well.

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