Self-Taught-Typing ManualPage 2
Lesson #11
Left hand, use your index finger (F) to reach the letter B. After typing the letter B return finger to resting position.
Right hand, use your pinky finger (;) (Left shift and strike : (colon key). After typing the : (colon) return finger to resting position.
Left hand, use your pinky finger (A) to reach the letter Z. After typing the letter Z return finger to resting position.
Lesson #12
Right hand, use your index finger (J) to reach the letter M. After typing the letter M return finger to resting position.
Left hand, use your pinky finger (A) to reach the letter Q. After typing the letter Q return finger to resting position.
Right hand, use your pinky finger (;) (Left Shift and strike ? (question). After typing the ? (Question) return finger to resting position.
Lesson #13
Left hand, use your index finger (F) to reach the letter V. After typing the letter V return finger to resting position.
Left hand, use your pinky finger (A) to reach the Shift Lock. After pressing down the Shift Lock return finger to resting position.
Depress the shift lock and leave it down until the ALL-CAP combination has been typed. Then depress the shift lock again to release the shift lock to return to regular capital-and-lowercase typing.Lesson #14
Review pervious lessonsLesson #15
Review pervious lessonsLesson #16 through #20
Is teaching positioning for the numbers above the letters on your keyboard.Ring fingers
Left hand, use your left ring finger (S) to reach the number 2.
Right hand, use your right ring finger (L) to reach the number 9.
Middle fingers
Left hand, use your left middle finger (D) to reach the number 3.
Right hand, use your right middle finger (K) to reach the number 8.
Pinky fingers
Left hand, use your left pinky finger (A) to reach the number 1.
Right hand, use your right pinky finger (;) to reach the number 0, not the letter o.
Index fingers
Left hand, use your left index finger (F) to reach the number 4 & 5.
Right hand, use your right index finger (J) to reach the number 6 & 7.
Reference of future lessons~,`,!,is controlled by the A finger
2,@ is controlled by the S finger3,# is controlled by the D finger
9,( is controlled by the L finger
6,^,7,& is controlled by the J finger
$,4,5,% is controlled by the F finger8,* is controlled by the K finger
/,?,-,_,",',0,),[,{,},],\,|,=,+ is controlled by the ; finger
Lesson #?
Is teaching positioning for the numbers pad on the right end of your keyboard.Copyright@2000-2019 Self-Taught-Typing. All Rights Reserved.