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"Me?! Making her life hell!?? I don't understand that at all. William likes me! He didn't like her obviously or he wouldn't have ended the relationship!", Ash protested, and found herself shouting really loud. "Whatever, Ash, you're nothing more to William than a little fling!" "Harry, how dare you say that! What if I'm your sister in law one day?" "You won't be. William doesn't like you. Look in the ballroom now." Ash was so mad at him. She turned around, looked at William and could've cried. Ashee was flirting full force with William. She was giggling, he was giggling, and Ash was shocked. "You! You did this to me! That's the only reason why my best friend is here!" "Don't judge me so quick Ash! I didn't do anything...yet." Harry smiled and walked off. Ash looked back in the ballroom and saw Ashee and William dancing. That was it. She'd had enough.

Ash walked into the ballroom, sweating, hot as hell, and had the most awful look on her face. Ashee immediately saw her and she figured out she was pissed off. "Ashley, can I talk to you NOW?", Ash said, trying to keep cool and not blow up. "Sure, Ash." They walked out of the room. William couldn't believe the look that Ash had given her. He knew something had to be wrong, but couldn't put his finger on it. "Well, I figured Ash was not the girl for you..." Harry said real nonchalauntly. "You little...", William was about the finish his sentence until his father approached him. "Harry, are you torturing guests again?", Charles questioned. "Why do you ask?" "Well, I heard William's little friend screaming at you. What have you done??" Harry didn't want to admit it but he did, "I was trying to get her away from William. She's nothing but a stupid yank! Why would she even be here in the first place?", Harry then questioned his father. "William is allowed one guest and so are you, which you did just a fine of job selecting as William." "That's right. Harry, why did you invite her best friend?", William asked. "I did it to drive Ash away from you. This other Ash is obsessed with you, like every other girl in the world. You should be very pleased."

"I don't want a obsessed girl! I like Ash. Why do you hate her so much anyway?" There was a long pause. Harry had never really disliked Ash, in fact, he considered her to be more his type. He was just angry at William. Simple as that. He wanted to hurt him. He hurt it best friend, he gets all the attention, and he can get any girl he wants. That's why Harry "hated" her so much, she was something William wanted bad. "I don't hate her...", Harry said. "Then what the hell are you doing?" William was angry. He was about ready to bust. He'd be front page news tomorrow for sure. "Can we please talk about this later?", Harry tried to reason. "No, you're the one causing all the trouble and I want to know why. Right now, Harry, tell me." Harry was in a hot spot. He did the next best thing. Turned around and ran off. 'Little twirp,' William thought.

As Harry was running down the hall, he bumped into Ashee. "So, tell me what happened. Do I get William now?", Ashee said eagerly. "No, he's fallen to deeply in love with Ash. I can't do anything about it. I'm next on his list to pund people." "Harry! You promised! Ash doesn't like him...I do! I have always liked him ever since the day I saw on the telly about his first day at Eton. Ash didn't even know who the hell he was until today!", Ashee spoke very loudly. "Look, this is not the time to be discussing this. There will never be a good time to talk about this because Wills likes Ash. Not likes, more like loves. I've never seen him get angry or upset when something happens to one of his girlfriends before in my life!" "Fine Harry, whatever. I'm leaving now. Goodbye."

Ash was sitting in a bedroom sobbing. She thought it was William's room, but wasn't exactly for sure. She saw pictures of the Spice Girls so she thought it was his. That was until...*BOOM* The door slammed open and shut. Harry turned around and about started to scream. "What in the bloody..." "I'm so sorry! I thought this was Will's room. I must be going.", Ash managed to say between sobs. "No, wait, you need to stay for a second. I have something I need to say."

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