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"What, you have already ruined my night, William hates me, my best friend was all over him...and it's all because of you.",Ash said still crying her eyes out. "Look, what I didn't know was that Wills is in love with you. After one day he feels like he loves you..." "So, what are you trying to say? 'Oh Ash, I'm sorry I tried to make my brother turn on you because I want him to get back together with his ex girlfriend'?" "Well...",Harry tried to think of something quick. "Well it's not going to work. I've already made a fool out of myself in front of your father, thank heavens I didn't meet the queen yet or my life would be in absolute hell. That was going to be your apology?? I can't except that! I'm probably the laughing stock of this bloody ball!! You have embarassed me, your brother, and you now have brought in my best friend into the situation. Do you think I'm really going to let you off that easily??",Ash finally took a moment to breathe, "Well, Harry, I'm not! I think you owe your brother and my friend an apology!" "William already knows about it..." "What did you say?" Harry repeated himself, "William already knows about it." Ash thought about that for a second 'If he already knew about it...then he didn't mind Harry was making my nite hell...', Ash analized. "That's it! I'm sick and tired of this nite, this dress, this life! I'm leaving!" Ash quickly stormed out of the room. Harry tried to get her but it was to late, she was gone.

Ash was running out of the palace and she got outside and felt the cold rain all over her. 'Figures. Raining just to match my mood.' She kept running for awhile but finally decided to walk and just cry. 'William was in on this. I was just a target to humiliate...' she kept thinking, 'A mouse in a royal trap.' She just kept crying and finally walked all the way to her father's home. She got inside and her father said Beth disappeared. Ash just went upstairs and took a long, hot bath to recollect her thoughts.


When Ash got done she walked out of the bathroom she saw Beth. "Where the hell have you been?" "I broke up with him." Ash smacked her hand on her face, "Why? You were like in heaven all day today...the parts I actually saw you." "I don't know...I kind of like Alistair better." "Katie's boyfriend?" "Yes, he's very sexy." "BETH! They've been together for what...2 years?" "Hmm...that's not they way he acted tonite" Ash thought about that for a second, "Wait a sec, you...and him...hooked..." Beth nodded her head. "BETH! KATIE'S YOUR FRIEND!!" "I know that...but he was so sweet!" Ash just decided to let it go. "Whatever, just tell Ashee when she gets here to come up to my room. I need to talk to her." "Will do!", Beth said as she pranced downstairs to watch TV with Ali.

Ash crawled up in bed and started looking through magazines. She found William. "Prince William is the New Teen Idol" the headline read. She began to read it, and it told about some girl named Hannah (NOTE: This was actually an article in the New York Times and it had my friend Mary, who made up the fictional charactor "Hannah" in her story for the PWFC and it had the president in the srticle, my friend Julie :) Ok, back to the story) and it said it was William's girlfriend. 'He's a lil' playa' but she read on how Mary wrote her in a story for the PWFC, which Ashee mentioned she was in it or something a long time ago. She just threw it down. She just couldn't figure out why William was in on Harry's plan. Then she thought of the embarassment...she couldn't handle it. She shut off her light and went to sleep.

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