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Computers for Kids

Computers for Kids

Russian Orphanage Needs Your Used Educational Software

We are seeking donations of used educational software and raising funds to purchase computers and provide computer training and internet access for the orphanage in Sortavala, a town near the Finnish border in northwestern Russia. Despite tremendous fund raising efforts on the part of the orphanage director, and the dedication of the teachers and orphanage staff, there are very limited resources available for the education of the children who reside there.

According to 1997 UNICEF figures, about 611,034 Russian children are “without parental care”, but more recent estimates place the number closer to 4 million. A 1998 Russian Life article, approximates 40-50,000 of these children to be legally adoptable -- but a far smaller number actually find adoptive homes. Those who remain and who survive to the age of 16 or 17, when they leave the state’s care, have a bleak future indeed. A staggering 10% commit suicide. One third become homeless, one fifth turn to crime, and the outlook is not bright for the “lucky” ones who beat those statistics. Indeed, it is a cause for great concern among child welfare experts. It is our belief that improving the education of these children will greatly enhance their prospects for the future.

We have raised enough money so far to buy five computers for the Sortavala orphanage, but our goal is to purchase ten computers and provide computer training and internet access for the 60 children there. We are also seeking donations of used educational software. Much of it does not require a knowledge of English, and that which does is an excellent teaching tool for learning the English language.

Tax deductible donations should be made payable to “Children in Common” with a notation that they are for the Sortavala Orphanage Fund. Checks and donations of software should be sent to: Sharon Warneck, 3142 Delburne Court, Fairfax, VA 22031.


Thank you.