To pray is as natural to some people as breathing is.
There are those blessed folk who seem to learn instinctively, the
way most natural for them. It's just like talking really, or having a friend.
But there are always ways to deepen our friendship, always things
to learn. And when we get stuck, or need a kick start, or go through a
dark night, or simply don't feel satisfied, maybe that's a sign that our
praying needs to deepen, or to be more adventurous.
Just as there are many ways to be human, or to be a friend, or to
express one's beliefs, there are many ways to refresh one's Spiritual Path.
These are just some. And they are all ways that I have used, paths that
have illuminated my own spiritual struggle.
I hope some of them will be of use to you. I hope too, that you
will find here, prayers that are dear and familiar to you, ways that you
are comfortable in already. For the old and comfortable ways, can
be, indeed, ways of comfort and strength.
Oh, there are lots of complicated and wonderful words about our
methods of relating to 'God'. Though, at heart, they are all very simple,
there is always something more to learn, and it is sometimes important
to be reminded of 'stuff' we learned when we were children. This area of
The Sanctuary is meant to be a resource.
Be warned, however. The work in here
is nearly all of the 'how to' variety. If you are looking for theology,
or for fine spiritual feeling, you won't find it here.
No method described in this place
will work, unless you do it. For Instant Enlightenment and Spiritual Mastery,
apply directly to the Maker.
These are all Tools for the Simple Heart