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Heather Bell 


The mainstream of life is where all Christians should be,
In the rushing and swirling on their way to the sea.
The mainstream is life with it's temptations and sin,
On it's way to the sea, our fulfillment within.
The floods that come down and muddy the stream,
Are the troubles of life diverting our dream.
We are swirled into eddies and go round and round,
Confused by the floodtide, o'erwhelmed by the sound.
The flood tide recedes, rubbish piled on the banks,
We're safe in the mainstream, to Jesus give thanks.
As the river flows on with the sea as it's aim,
So Christians go on, His kingdom to gain.
Abiding in God is to stay in the stream,
Upheld by His love our lives He'll redeem.
And prayer is our liferaft to carry us through,
The eddies, the floodtides, to the sea of deep blue.
Abide on our Lord and pray deep every day,
Listen and hear Him, He'll show us His way.
Our goal is the sea of Christ's saving love,
Our way is the mainstream watched o'er by the Dove.


Our bible study dragged a bit, it didn't meet our needs,
We knew that we were going wrong, t'was not the word that feeds.

Then we gave the lot unto the Lord, 'please let Your Spirit guide us',
So for a while we went that way, we felt His Holy Spirit feed us.

But now we're back to where we were, we feel that somethings wrong,
Have we fogotten who's the Boss? Have we left His leading strong ?

With His Holy Spirit leading us, our studies flowed His way,
We had no preconceived ideas, we were happy to obey.

I think the Lord is telling us, we're unhappy with our Tuesdays,
Because we've taken charge ourselves, and we're not moving in His ways.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, He'll meet your every need,
We should trust His guiding hand, as unto Him we cede.

For while His Spirit's leading, He knows every need unsaid,
He'll guide us in the way He wants, He'll see that we are fed.

lonely nights and jigsaw puzzles
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